Dan Shahraki
Dan Shahraki
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Buckling of cracked functionally graded plates under tension
AA Rad, D Panahandeh-Shahraki
Thin-Walled Structures 84, 26-33, 2014
Buckling of cracked functionally graded plates supported by Pasternak foundation
D Panahandeh-Shahraki, AA Rad
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 88, 221-231, 2014
Nonlinear analysis of uni-lateral buckling for cylindrical panels on tensionless foundation
D Panahandeh-Shahraki, AR Shahidi, HR Mirdamadi, O Vaseghi
Thin-Walled Structures 62, 109-117, 2013
Non-linear stability analysis of laminated composite plates on one-sided foundation by hierarchical Rayleigh–Ritz and finite elements
O Vaseghi, HR Mirdamadi, D Panahandeh-Shahraki
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 57, 65-74, 2013
Nonlinear buckling analysis of laminated composite curved panels constrained by Winkler tensionless foundation
D Panahandeh-Shahraki, HR Mirdamadi, AR Shahidi
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 39, 120-133, 2013
Thermoelastic buckling analysis of laminated piezoelectric composite plates
D Panahandeh-Shahraki, HR Mirdamadi, O Vaseghi
International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, 1-15, 2014
Fully coupled electromechanical buckling analysis of active laminated composite plates considering stored voltage in actuators
D Panahandeh-Shahraki, HR Mirdamadi, O Vaseghi
Composite Structures 118, 94-105, 2014
Homogenization of the wave equation with non-uniformly oscillating coefficients
DP Shahraki, BB Guzina
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 27 (11), 2341-2365, 2022
From d’Alembert to Bloch and back: A semi-analytical solution of 1D boundary value problems governed by the wave equation in periodic media
DP Shahraki, BB Guzina
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 111239, 2021
Shell–tensionless foundation interaction and nonlinear thermoelastic stability analysis of laminated composite cylindrical panels
D Panahandeh-Shahraki, HR Mirdamadi
Acta Mechanica 225 (1), 131-149, 2014
C-elastography: in vitro feasibility phantom study
D P. Shahraki, V Kumar, S Ghavami, MW Urban, A Alizad, BB Guzina, ...
Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 1-17, 2020
Quantifying nonlinear elasticity modulus of tissue-like solids using acoustic radiation force
D Panahandeh-Shahraki, BB Guzina, V Kumar, MW Urban, RR Kinnick, ...
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 143 (3), 1802-1802, 2018
Analysis of wave motion in 1D waveguides with microstructure
D Panahandeh-Shahraki
Erratum to: Shell-tensionless foundation interaction and nonlinear thermoelastic stability analysis of laminated composite cylindrical panels
D Panahandeh-Shahraki, HR Mirdamadi
Acta Mechanica 225 (1), 151, 2014
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Articles 1–14