Juan Ignacio Toledo
Juan Ignacio Toledo
Computer Vision Center - UAB
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Cited by
Signet: Convolutional siamese network for writer independent offline signature verification
S Dey, A Dutta, JI Toledo, SK Ghosh, J Lladós, U Pal
arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.02131, 2017
Convolve, attend and spell: An attention-based sequence-to-sequence model for handwritten word recognition
L Kang, JI Toledo, P Riba, M Villegas, A Fornés, M Rusinol
Pattern Recognition: 40th German Conference, GCPR 2018, Stuttgart, Germany …, 2019
Information extraction from historical handwritten document images with a context-aware neural model
JI Toledo, M Carbonell, A Fornés, J Lladós
Pattern Recognition 86, 27-36, 2019
ICDAR2017 competition on information extraction in historical handwritten records
A Fornés, V Romero, A Baró, JI Toledo, JA Sánchez, E Vidal, J Lladós
2017 14th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition …, 2017
Handwriting recognition by attribute embedding and recurrent neural networks
JI Toledo, S Dey, A Fornés, J Lladós
2017 14th IAPR international conference on document analysis and recognition …, 2017
Handwritten word image categorization with convolutional neural networks and spatial pyramid pooling
JI Toledo, S Sudholt, A Fornés, J Cucurull, GA Fink, J Lladós
Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition: Joint IAPR …, 2016
Signet: Convolutional siamese network for writer independent offline signature verification. arXiv 2017
S Dey, A Dutta, JI Toledo, SK Ghosh, J Lladós, U Pal
arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.02131, 0
Signet: Convolutional siamese network for writer independent offline signature verification.(2017)
S Dey, A Dutta, JI Toledo, SK Ghosh, J Llados, U Pal
arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.02131, 1-7, 2017
SigNet: Convolutional Siamese network for writer independent offline signature verification. Corr (2017)
S Dey, A Dutta, JI Toledo, SK Ghosh, J Lladós, U Pal
arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.02131, 2017
Josep Llad ́os, and Umapada Pal
S Dey, A Dutta, JI Toledo, SK Ghosh
Signet: Convolutional siamese networkfor writer independent offline …, 2017
Document analysis techniques for automatic electoral document processing: a survey
JI Toledo, J Cucurull, J Puiggalí, A Fornés, J Lladós
E-Voting and Identity: 5th International Conference, VoteID 2015, Bern …, 2015
Election Tally Sheets Processing System
JI Toledo, A Fornés, J Cucurull, J Lladós
2016 12th IAPR Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS), 364-368, 2016
Zadání diplomové práce
RNDJ Kunc, BJ Florian
VoteID 2015
JI Toledo, J Cucurull, J Puiggalı, A Fornés, J Lladós
Descobriment de serveis en xarxes ad-hoc: JADE Bluetooth Discovery Middleware
JI Toledo Testa, R Martí Escalé
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Articles 1–15