Lu Hou
Cited by
Cited by
Resource allocation based on deep reinforcement learning in IoT edge computing
X Xiong, K Zheng, L Lei, L Hou
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 38 (6), 1133-1146, 2020
Internet of things cloud: Architecture and implementation
L Hou, S Zhao, X Xiong, K Zheng, P Chatzimisios, MS Hossain, W Xiang
IEEE Communications Magazine 54 (12), 32-39, 2016
Design and implementation of open LoRa for IoT
Q Zhou, K Zheng, L Hou, J Xing, R Xu
Ieee Access 7, 100649-100657, 2019
Soft-defined heterogeneous vehicular network: Architecture and challenges
K Zheng, L Hou, H Meng, Q Zheng, N Lu, L Lei
IEEE Network 30 (4), 72-80, 2016
Design and implementation of smart irrigation system based on LoRa
W Zhao, S Lin, J Han, R Xu, L Hou
2017 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 1-6, 2017
Reliable and efficient autonomous driving: the need for heterogeneous vehicular networks
K Zheng, Q Zheng, H Yang, L Zhao, L Hou, P Chatzimisios
IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (12), 72-79, 2015
A -Learning-Based Proactive Caching Strategy for Non-Safety Related Services in Vehicular Networks
L Hou, L Lei, K Zheng, X Wang
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (3), 4512-4520, 2018
Vulnerability analysis of smart contract for blockchain-based IoT applications: a machine learning approach
Q Zhou, K Zheng, K Zhang, L Hou, X Wang
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (24), 24695-24707, 2022
Design and prototype implementation of a blockchain-enabled LoRa system with edge computing
L Hou, K Zheng, Z Liu, X Xu, T Wu
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (4), 2419-2430, 2020
Collaborative edge caching through service function chaining: Architecture and challenges
L Lei, X Xiong, L Hou, K Zheng
IEEE Wireless Communications 25 (3), 94-102, 2018
An intelligent transaction migration scheme for RAFT-based private blockchain in Internet of Things applications
L Hou, X Xu, K Zheng, X Wang
IEEE Communications Letters 25 (8), 2753-2757, 2021
SMDP-based radio resource allocation scheme in software-defined Internet of Things networks
X Xiong, L Hou, K Zheng, W Xiang, MS Hossain, SMM Rahman
IEEE Sensors Journal 16 (20), 7304-7314, 2016
A DQN-based consensus mechanism for blockchain in IoT networks
Z Liu, L Hou, K Zheng, Q Zhou, S Mao
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (14), 11962-11973, 2021
Design and implementation of application programming interface for Internet of things cloud
L Hou, S Zhao, X Li, P Chatzimisios, K Zheng
International Journal of Network Management 27 (3), e1936, 2017
Weighted raft: An improved blockchain consensus mechanism for internet of things application
X Xu, L Hou, Y Li, Y Geng
2021 7th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC …, 2021
A continuous-time Markov decision process-based resource allocation scheme in vehicular cloud for mobile video services
L Hou, K Zheng, P Chatzimisios, Y Feng
Computer Communications 118, 140-147, 2018
A novel rate and channel control scheme based on data extraction rate for LoRa networks
Q Zhou, J Xing, L Hou, R Xu, K Zheng
2019 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 1-6, 2019
An improved secure key management scheme for LoRa system
J Xing, L Hou, K Zhang, K Zheng
2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT …, 2019
Design and implementation on a LoRa system with edge computing
Z Liu, Q Zhou, L Hou, R Xu, K Zheng
2020 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 1-6, 2020
A novel blockchain-assisted aggregation scheme for federated learning in IoT networks
Z Liu, K Zheng, L Hou, H Yang, K Yang
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 10 (19), 17544-17556, 2023
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Articles 1–20