Fernando Pérez-González
Fernando Pérez-González
Professor, atlanTTic Research Center, University of Vigo - Spain
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Cited by
DCT-domain watermarking techniques for still images: Detector performance analysis and a new structure
JR Hernandez, M Amado, F Perez-Gonzalez
IEEE transactions on image processing 9 (1), 55-68, 2000
Statistical analysis of watermarking schemes for copyright protection of images
JR Hernández, F Pérez-González
Proceedings of the IEEE 87 (7), 1142-1166, 1999
Privacy-preserving data aggregation in smart metering systems: An overview
Z Erkin, JR Troncoso-Pastoriza, RL Lagendijk, F Pérez-González
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 30 (2), 75-86, 2013
Rational dither modulation: A high-rate data-hiding method invariant to gain attacks
F Pérez-González, C Mosquera, M Barni, A Abrardo
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 53 (10), 3960-3975, 2005
Performance analysis of existing and new methods for data hiding with known-host information in additive channels
F Pérez-González, F Balado, JRH Martin
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 51 (4), 960-980, 2003
Performance analysis of a 2-D-multipulse amplitude modulation scheme for data hiding and watermarking of still images
JR Hernández, F Pérez-González, JM Rodriguez, G Nieto
IEEE Journal on Selected areas in Communications 16 (4), 510-524, 1998
A tutorial on digital watermarking
F Perez-Gonzalez, JR Hernandez
Proceedings IEEE 33rd Annual 1999 International Carnahan Conference on …, 1999
Watermarking security: a survey
L Perez-Freire, P Comesana, JR Troncoso-Pastoriza, F Perez-Gonzalez
Transactions on data hiding and multimedia security I, 41-72, 2006
Spread-spectrum watermarking security
L Pérez-Freire, F Pérez-González
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 4 (1), 2-24, 2009
Approaching the capacity limit in image watermarking: a perspective on coding techniques for data hiding applications
F Pérez-González, JR Hernández, F Balado
Signal Processing 81 (6), 1215-1238, 2001
Back to the drawing board: Revisiting the design of optimal location privacy-preserving mechanisms
S Oya, C Troncoso, F Pérez-González
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications …, 2017
Angle QIM: A novel watermark embedding scheme robust against amplitude scaling distortions
F Ourique, V Licks, R Jordan, F Pérez-González
Proceedings.(ICASSP'05). IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech …, 2005
Fully private noninteractive face verification
JR Troncoso-Pastoriza, D González-Jiménez, F Pérez-González
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 8 (7), 1101-1114, 2013
Fundamentals of data hiding security and their application to spread-spectrum analysis
P Comesana, L Pérez-Freire, F Pérez-González
International Workshop on Information Hiding, 146-160, 2005
Benford's Law in Image Processing
F Pérez-González, GL Heileman, CT Abdallah
Image Processing, 2007. ICIP 2007. IEEE International Conference on 1, I-405 …, 2007
Comunicaciones digitales
AA Rodríguez, FP González, JC Sueiro, RL Valcarce, CM Nartallo, ...
Pearson, 2007
Coping with the enemy: Advances in adversary-aware signal processing
M Barni, F Pérez-González
2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2013
The impact of channel coding on the performance of spatial watermarking for copyright protection
JR Hernández, F Perez-Gonzalez, JM Rodriguez
Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech …, 1998
Blind newton sensitivity attack
P Comesana, L Pérez-Freire, F Pérez-González
IEE Proceedings-Information Security 153 (3), 115-125, 2006
System for secure image recognition
JRT Pastoriza, FP Gonzalez
US Patent 8,972,742, 2015
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Articles 1–20