Nagore Iriberri
Nagore Iriberri
University of the Basque Country, Ikerbasque
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Level‐k Auctions: Can a Nonequilibrium Model of Strategic Thinking Explain the Winner's Curse and Overbidding in Private‐Value Auctions?
VP Crawford, N Iriberri
Econometrica 75 (6), 1721-1770, 2007
Structural models of nonequilibrium strategic thinking: Theory, evidence, and applications
VP Crawford, MA Costa-Gomes, N Iriberri
Journal of Economic Literature 51 (1), 5-62, 2013
The importance of relative performance feedback information: Evidence from a natural experiment using high school students
G Azmat, N Iriberri
Journal of Public Economics 94 (7-8), 435-452, 2010
The Impact of Gender Composition on Team Performance and Decision-Making: Evidence from the Field
NI Jose Apesteguia, Ghazala Azmat
Management Science 58 (1), 78–93, 2012
Are referees and editors in economics gender neutral?
D Card, S DellaVigna, P Funk, N Iriberri
The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2019
Fatal attraction: Salience, naivete, and sophistication in experimental “hide-and-seek” games
VP Crawford, N Iriberri
American Economic Review 97 (5), 1731-1750, 2007
Comparing models of strategic thinking in Van Huyck, Battalio, and Beil's coordination games
MA Costa-Gomes, VP Crawford, N Iriberri
Journal of the European Economic Association 7 (2-3), 365-376, 2009
Gender differences in response to big stakes
G Azmat, C Calsamiglia, N Iriberri
Journal of the European Economic Association 14 (6), 1372-1400, 2016
The provision of relative performance feedback: An analysis of performance and satisfaction
G Azmat, N Iriberri
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 25 (1), 77-110, 2016
What you don’t know… can’t hurt you? A natural field experiment on relative performance feedback in higher education
NI Ghazala Azmat, Manuel Bagues, Antonio Cabrales
Management Science 65 (8), 3714-3736, 2019
The role of role uncertainty in modified dictator games
N Iriberri, P Rey-Biel
Experimental Economics 14, 160-180, 2011
Competitive pressure widens the gender gap in performance: Evidence from a two-stage competition in mathematics
N Iriberri, P Rey-Biel
The Economic Journal 129 (620), 1863-1893, 2019
Elicited beliefs and social information in modified dictator games: What do dictators believe other dictators do?
N Iriberri, P Rey‐Biel
Quantitative Economics 4 (3), 515-547, 2013
Stereotypes are only a threat when beliefs are reinforced: On the sensitivity of gender differences in performance under competition to information provision
N Iriberri, P Rey-Biel
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 135, 99-111, 2017
Promoting Rule Compliance in Daily-Life: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment in the Public Libraries of Barcelona
J Apesteguia, P Funk, N Iriberri
European Economic Review 64, 266–284, 2013
Women ask for less (only from men): Evidence from bargaining in the field
I Hernandez-Arenaz, N Iriberri
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 152, 192-214, 2018
A review of gender differences in negotiation
I Hernandez-Arenaz, N Iriberri
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance, 2019
Gender differences in peer recognition by economists
D Card, S DellaVigna, P Funk, N Iriberri
Econometrica 90 (5), 1937-1971, 2022
Brave boys and play-it-safe girls: Gender differences in willingness to guess in a large scale natural field experiment
N Iriberri, P Rey-Biel
European Economic Review 131, 103603, 2021
Gender gaps at the academies
D Card, S DellaVigna, P Funk, N Iriberri
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (4), e2212421120, 2023
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Articles 1–20