Nicolas Nicolaou
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Cited by
Improving the robustness of location-based routing for underwater sensor networks
N Nicolaou, A See, P Xie, JH Cui, D Maggiorini
Oceans 2007-Europe, 1-6, 2007
Efficient vector-based forwarding for underwater sensor networks
P Xie, Z Zhou, N Nicolaou, A See, JH Cui, Z Shi
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2010, 1-13, 2010
Formalizing and implementing distributed ledger objects
AF Anta, K Konwar, C Georgiou, N Nicolaou
ACM Sigact News 49 (2), 58-76, 2018
Fault-tolerant semifast implementations of atomic read/write registers
C Georgiou, NC Nicolaou, AA Shvartsman
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 69 (1), 62-79, 2009
Measuring cyber-physical security in industrial control systems via minimum-effort attack strategies
M Barrère, C Hankin, N Nicolaou, DG Eliades, T Parisini
Journal of information security and applications 52, 102471, 2020
Classifying network abnormalities into faults and attacks in IoT-based cyber physical systems using machine learning
G Tertytchny, N Nicolaou, MK Michael
Microprocessors and Microsystems 77, 103121, 2020
On the efficiency of atomic multi-reader, multi-writer distributed memory
B Englert, C Georgiou, PM Musial, N Nicolaou, AA Shvartsman
Principles of Distributed Systems: 13th International Conference, OPODIS …, 2009
Reducing vulnerability to cyber-physical attacks in water distribution networks
N Nicolaou, DG Eliades, C Panayiotou, MM Polycarpou
2018 international workshop on cyber-physical systems for smart water …, 2018
State-wide elections, optical scan voting systems, and the pursuit of integrity
T Antonyan, S Davtyan, S Kentros, A Kiayias, L Michel, N Nicolaou, ...
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 4 (4), 597-610, 2009
On the robustness of (semi) fast quorum-based implementations of atomic shared memory
C Georgiou, N Nicolaou, AA Shvartsman
Proceedings of the twenty-seventh ACM symposium on Principles of distributed …, 2008
Ares: Adaptive, Reconfigurable, Erasure coded, Atomic Storage
N Nicolaou, V Cadambe, N Prakash, A Trigeorgi, K Konwar, M Médard, ...
ACM Transactions on Storage 18 (4), 1-39, 2022
Implementing distributed shared memory for dynamic networks
P Musial, N Nicolaou, AA Shvartsman
Communications of the ACM 57 (6), 88-98, 2014
Estimating the covid-19 prevalence in spain with indirect reporting via open surveys
A Garcia-Agundez, O Ojo, HA Hernández-Roig, C Baquero, D Frey, ...
Frontiers in Public Health 9, 658544, 2021
Oh-ram! one and a half round atomic memory
T Hadjistasi, N Nicolaou, AA Schwarzmann
International Conference on Networked Systems, 117-132, 2017
Towards feasible implementations of low-latency multi-writer atomic registers
C Georgiou, N Nicolaou, AC Russell, AA Shvartsman
2011 IEEE 10th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications …, 2011
At-most-once semantics in asynchronous shared memory
S Kentros, A Kiayias, N Nicolaou, AA Shvartsman
Proceedings of the twenty-first annual symposium on Parallelism in …, 2009
Automating Voting Terminal Event Log Analysis.
T Antonyan, S Davtyan, S Kentros, A Kiayias, L Michel, NC Nicolaou, ...
EVT/WOTE, 2009
Taking total control of voting systems: Firmware manipulations on an optical scan voting terminal
S Davtyan, S Kentros, A Kiayias, L Michel, N Nicolaou, A Russell, A See, ...
Proceedings of the 2009 ACM symposium on Applied Computing, 2049-2053, 2009
Estimating active cases of COVID-19
J Álvarez, C Baquero, E Cabana, JP Champati, AF Anta, D Frey, ...
MedRxiv, 2021.12. 09.21267355, 2021
The CoronaSurveys system for COVID-19 incidence data collection and processing
C Baquero, P Casari, A Fernandez Anta, A García-García, D Frey, ...
Frontiers in Computer Science 3, 641237, 2021
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Articles 1–20