The impact of student activity in a virtual learning environment on their final mark AM Mogus, I Djurdjevic, N Suvak Active Learning in Higher Education 13 (3), 177-189, 2012 | 110 | 2012 |
Machine learning methods in predicting the student academic motivation IĐ Babić Croatian Operational Research Review, 443-461, 2017 | 77 | 2017 |
Comparison of intelligent systems in detecting a child’s mathematical gift M Pavlekovic, M Zekic-Susac, I Djurdjevic Computers & education 53 (1), 142-154, 2009 | 20 | 2009 |
Classification of entrepreneurial intentions by neural networks, decision trees and support vector machines M Zekić-Sušac, S Pfeifer, I Đurđević Croatian Operational Research Review 1 (1), 62-71, 2010 | 16 | 2010 |
Predicting student satisfaction with courses based on log data from a virtual learning environment–a neural network and classification tree model IĐ Babić Croatian operational research review, 105-120, 2015 | 11 | 2015 |
A neural network model for predicting children’s mathematical gift M Pavlekovid, M Zekid-Sušac, I Đurđevid Croatian Journal of Education 13 (1), 10-41, 2011 | 9* | 2011 |
Expert system for detecting a child’s gift in mathematics M Pavleković, M Zekić-Sušac, I Đurđević Osijek, April 13 (2007), 98, 2007 | 8 | 2007 |
Procjene studenata Učiteljskog studija o tri računalna programa namijenjena malim početnicima u programiranju I Đurđević Radovi Zavoda za znanstveni i umjetnički rad u Požegi, 93-108, 2014 | 5 | 2014 |
RECOGNIZING MATHEMATICALLY GIFTED CHILDREN BY USING EXPERT SYSTEMS', TEACHERS', AND PSYCHOLOGISTS'ESTIMATIONS M Pavleković, M Zekić-Sušac, I Đurđević Društvena istraživanja: časopis za opća društvena pitanja 19 (3 (107)), 487-510, 2010 | 5* | 2010 |
Integration of expert systems and neural networks in recognizing mathematically gifted children M Pavlekovic, M Zekic-Susac, I Djurdjevic ITI 2008-30th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces …, 2008 | 5 | 2008 |
Systematic Review on Educational Data Mining in Educational Gamification N Bošnjaković, I Đurđević Babić Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 2023 | 4 | 2023 |
The Impact of Government Measures on Business Development in the ICT sector IB Bukvić, IĐ Babić International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management 12 (1), 63-72, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
Catching the IT Development Trends: What are the Odds? I Bestvina Bukvić, I Đurđević Babić International Scientific Conference Megatrends and Media 2019: Digital …, 2019 | 3 | 2019 |
Discovering patterns of student behaviour in e-learning environment M Zekic-Sušac, ID Babic HIGHER GOALS IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION, 94, 2015 | 3 | 2015 |
Study on the Utilization of National and EU Funds in Financing Capital Investments of ICT Companies IB Bukvić, IƉ Babić, DP Starčević 2021 44th International Convention on Information, Communication and …, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
THE IMPORTANCE OF CLUSTERS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL ICT SECTORS I Bestvina Bukvić, I Đurđević Bbaić Conference Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on the Economics …, 2021 | 1 | 2021 |
Pre-service teachers’ prior knowledge related to measurement Z Kolar-Begovic, R Kolar-Šuper, ID Babic, DM Bicvic Towards New Perspectives on Mathematics Education, 107, 2019 | 1 | 2019 |
Association rules in students’ standpoint analysis of educating special needs pupils with ICT I Đurđević Babić, A Svetaljski 42nd ATEE Annual Conference 2017 Changing Perspectives and Approaches in …, 2018 | 1 | 2018 |
Prediction of reading comprehension ability in English as a second language I Đurđević Babić, K Benčina The 42nd Annual Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE …, 2017 | 1 | 2017 |
Higher Goals in Mathematics Education. Z Kolar-Begovic, R Kolar-Šuper, Ð Babic, E Ivana Online Submission, 2015 | 1 | 2015 |