Marc St-Hilaire
Cited by
Cited by
Early detection of DDoS attacks against SDN controllers
SM Mousavi, M St-Hilaire
2015 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications …, 2015
Peer-to-peer energy trading among smart homes
MR Alam, M St-Hilaire, T Kunz
Applied Energy 238, 1434-1443, 2019
Coverage protocols for wireless sensor networks: Review and future directions
R Elhabyan, W Shi, M St-Hilaire
Journal of Communications and Networks 21 (1), 45-60, 2019
Optimal model for the controller placement problem in software defined networks
A Sallahi, M St-Hilaire
IEEE communications letters 19 (1), 30-33, 2014
Cloud-based smart waste management for smart cities
M Aazam, M St-Hilaire, CH Lung, I Lambadaris
2016 IEEE 21st International Workshop on Computer Aided Modelling and Design …, 2016
An optimal P2P energy trading model for smart homes in the smart grid
MR Alam, M St-Hilaire, T Kunz
Energy Efficiency 10, 1475-1493, 2017
Expansion model for the controller placement problem in software defined networks
A Sallahi, M St-Hilaire
IEEE Communications Letters 21 (2), 274-277, 2017
A survey of opportunities for free space optics in next generation cellular networks
F Demers, H Yanikomeroglu, M St-Hilaire
2011 Ninth Annual Communication Networks and Services Research Conference …, 2011
MeFoRE: QoE based resource estimation at Fog to enhance QoS in IoT
M Aazam, M St-Hilaire, CH Lung, I Lambadaris
2016 23rd International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), 1-5, 2016
An enhanced Gauss-Markov mobility model for simulations of unmanned aerial ad hoc networks
JDMM Biomo, T Kunz, M St-Hilaire
2014 7th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC), 1-8, 2014
Directional sensor placement with optimal sensing range, field of view and orientation
YE Osais, M St-Hilaire, FR Yu
Mobile Networks and Applications 15, 216-225, 2010
Cloud of things: integration of IoT with cloud computing
M Aazam, EN Huh, M St-Hilaire, CH Lung, I Lambadaris
Robots and Sensor Clouds, 77-94, 2016
PRE-Fog: IoT trace based probabilistic resource estimation at Fog
M Aazam, M St-Hilaire, CH Lung, I Lambadaris
2016 13th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC …, 2016
Smart proactive caching: Empower the video delivery for autonomous vehicles in ICN-based networks
Z Zhang, CH Lung, M St-Hilaire, I Lambadaris
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (7), 7955-7965, 2020
A Pareto optimization-based approach to clustering and routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
R Elhabyan, W Shi, M St-Hilaire
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 114, 57-69, 2018
IoT Data Lifetime-Based Cooperative Caching Scheme for ICN-IoT Networks
Z Zhang, CH Lung, I Lambadaris, M St-Hilaire
2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-7, 2018
The performance of greedy geographic forwarding in unmanned aeronautical ad-hoc networks
R Shirani, M St-Hilaire, T Kunz, Y Zhou, J Li, L Lamont
2011 Ninth Annual Communication Networks and Services Research Conference …, 2011
Early detection of DDoS attacks against software defined network controllers
SM Mousavi, M St-Hilaire
Journal of Network and Systems Management 26, 573-591, 2018
A survey on geographic routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks
A Maghsoudlou, M St-Hilaire, T Kunz
Systems and Computer Engineering, Technical Report SCE-11-03.–Carleton …, 2011
Combined reactive-geographic routing for unmanned aeronautical ad-hoc networks
R Shirani, M St-Hilaire, T Kunz, Y Zhou, J Li, L Lamont
2012 8th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing …, 2012
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Articles 1–20