Li-Zhi Liao
Li-Zhi Liao
Hong Kong Baptist Univesity
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Cited by
New conjugacy conditions and related nonlinear conjugate gradient methods
Y -H. Dai, L -Z. Liao
Applied Mathematics and optimization 43, 87-101, 2001
A new inexact alternating directions method for monotone variational inequalities
B He, LZ Liao, D Han, H Yang
Mathematical Programming 92, 103-118, 2002
R‐linear convergence of the Barzilai and Borwein gradient method
YH Dai, LZ Liao
IMA Journal of numerical analysis 22 (1), 1-10, 2002
Improvements of some projection methods for monotone nonlinear variational inequalities
BS He, LZ Liao
Journal of Optimization Theory and applications 112, 111-128, 2002
An adaptive trust region method and its convergence
X Zhang, J Zhang, L Liao
Science in China Series A: Mathematics 45, 620-631, 2002
Convergence in unconstrained discrete-time differential dynamic programming
LZ Liao, CA Shoemaker
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 36 (6), 692-706, 1991
Decomposition method with a variable parameter for a class of monotone variational inequality problems
SL Wang, LZ Liao
Journal of optimization theory and applications 109, 415-429, 2001
Sparse canonical correlation analysis: New formulation and algorithm
D Chu, LZ Liao, MK Ng, X Zhang
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 35 (12), 3050 …, 2013
A smoothing Newton method for extended vertical linear complementarity problems
HD Qi, LZ Liao
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 21 (1), 45-66, 1999
Incremental linear discriminant analysis: A fast algorithm and comparisons
D Chu, LZ Liao, MKP Ng, X Wang
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 26 (11), 2716-2735, 2015
Advantages of differential dynamic programming over Newton's method for discrete-time optimal control problems
L Liao, CA Shoemaker
Cornell University, 1992
A smoothing Newton method for general nonlinear complementarity problems
HD Qi, LZ Liao
Computational Optimization and Applications 17, 231-253, 2000
A novel neural network for variational inequalities with linear and nonlinear constraints
XB Gao, LZ Liao, L Qi
IEEE transactions on neural networks 16 (6), 1305-1317, 2005
Neurodynamical optimization
LZ Liao, H Qi, L Qi
Journal of Global Optimization 28, 175-195, 2004
On restart procedures for the conjugate gradient method
YH Dai, LZ Liao, D Li
Numerical Algorithms 35, 249-260, 2004
Solving nonlinear complementarity problems with neural networks: a reformulation method approach
LZ Liao, H Qi, L Qi
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 131 (1-2), 343-359, 2001
Regularized orthogonal linear discriminant analysis
WK Ching, D Chu, LZ Liao, X Wang
Pattern Recognition 45 (7), 2719-2732, 2012
A new one-layer neural network for linear and quadratic programming
X Gao, LZ Liao
IEEE transactions on neural networks 21 (6), 918-929, 2010
Optimal control of systems with continuous and discrete states
J Lu, L Liao, A Nerode, JH Taylor
Proceedings of 32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2292-2297, 1993
Self-adaptive operator splitting methods for monotone variational inequalities
B He, LZ Liao, S Wang
Numerische Mathematik 94, 715-737, 2003
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Articles 1–20