Grzegorz Kowzan
Grzegorz Kowzan
Institute of Physics, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, Nicolaus Copernicus University
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Cited by
Surpassing the path-limited resolution of Fourier-transform spectrometry with frequency combs
P Maslowski, KF Lee, AC Johansson, A Khodabakhsh, G Kowzan, ...
Physical Review A 93 (2), 021802, 2016
Accurate deuterium spectroscopy for fundamental studies
P Wcisło, F Thibault, M Zaborowski, S Wójtewicz, A Cygan, G Kowzan, ...
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 213, 41-51, 2018
ANDES, the high resolution spectrograph for the ELT: science case, baseline design and path to construction
A Marconi, M Abreu, V Adibekyan, V Alberti, S Albrecht, J Alcaniz, ...
Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IX 12184, 720-735, 2022
Absolute molecular transition frequencies measured by three cavity-enhanced spectroscopy techniques
A Cygan, S Wójtewicz, G Kowzan, M Zaborowski, P Wcisło, J Nawrocki, ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics 144 (21), 2016
Ultrahigh finesse cavity-enhanced spectroscopy for accurate tests of quantum electrodynamics for molecules
M Zaborowski, M Słowiński, K Stankiewicz, F Thibault, A Cygan, ...
Optics Letters 45 (7), 1603-1606, 2020
Broadband optical cavity mode measurements at Hz-level precision with a comb-based VIPA spectrometer
G Kowzan, D Charczun, A Cygan, RS Trawiński, D Lisak, P Masłowski
Scientific reports 9 (1), 8206, 2019
Evaluation of different parameterizations of temperature dependences of the line-shape parameters based on ab initio calculations: Case study for the HITRAN database
N Stolarczyk, F Thibault, H Cybulski, H Jóźwiak, G Kowzan, B Vispoel, ...
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 240, 106676, 2020
High-accuracy and wide dynamic range frequency-based dispersion spectroscopy in an optical cavity
A Cygan, P Wcisło, S Wójtewicz, G Kowzan, M Zaborowski, D Charczun, ...
Optics Express 27 (15), 21810-21821, 2019
Dual-comb cavity ring-down spectroscopy
D Lisak, D Charczun, A Nishiyama, T Voumard, T Wildi, G Kowzan, ...
Scientific reports 12 (1), 2377, 2022
Absolute frequency and isotope shift measurements of mercury 1S03P1 transition
M Witkowski, G Kowzan, R Munoz-Rodriguez, R Ciuryło, PS Żuchowski, ...
Optics Express 27 (8), 11069-11083, 2019
Line positions, pressure broadening and shift coefficients for the second overtone transitions of carbon monoxide in argon
G Kowzan, K Stec, M Zaborowski, S Wójtewicz, A Cygan, D Lisak, ...
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 191, 46-54, 2017
Self-referenced, accurate and sensitive optical frequency comb spectroscopy with a virtually imaged phased array spectrometer
G Kowzan, KF Lee, M Paradowska, M Borkowski, P Ablewski, ...
Optics Letters 41 (5), 974-977, 2016
Fully quantum calculations of the line-shape parameters for the Hartmann-Tran profile: A CO-Ar case study
G Kowzan, P Wcisło, M Słowiński, P Masłowski, A Viel, F Thibault
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 243, 106803, 2020
Tunable visible frequency combs from a Yb-fiber-laser-pumped optical parametric oscillator
Y Chen, MC Silfies, G Kowzan, JM Bautista, TK Allison
Applied Physics B 125, 1-8, 2019
Broadband cavity-enhanced ultrafast spectroscopy
MC Silfies, G Kowzan, N Lewis, TK Allison
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23 (16), 9743-9752, 2021
Frequency-based dispersion Lamb-dip spectroscopy in a high finesse optical cavity
K Bielska, A Cygan, M Konefał, G Kowzan, M Zaborowski, D Charczun, ...
Optics Express 29 (24), 39449-39460, 2021
Subpercent agreement between ab initio and experimental collision-induced line shapes of carbon monoxide perturbed by argon
G Kowzan, H Cybulski, P Wcisło, M Słowiński, A Viel, P Masłowski, ...
Physical Review A 102 (1), 012821, 2020
Widely tunable cavity-enhanced frequency combs
MC Silfies, G Kowzan, Y Chen, N Lewis, R Hou, R Baehre, T Gross, ...
Optics Letters 45 (7), 2123-2126, 2020
Dual-comb cavity-mode width and shift spectroscopy
D Charczun, A Nishiyama, G Kowzan, A Cygan, T Voumard, T Wildi, ...
Measurement 188, 110519, 2022
Phase A: Calibration concepts for HIRES
P Huke, L Origlia, M Riva, J Charsley, R McCracken, D Reid, G Kowzan, ...
Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection X 10329, 638-656, 2017
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Articles 1–20