Hông-Ân Sandlin
Hông-Ân Sandlin
CYD Campus, armasuisse Science+Technology
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Cited by
Are domestic load profiles stable over time? An attempt to identify target households for demand side management campaigns
HÂ Cao, C Beckel, T Staake
IECON 2013-39th annual conference of the IEEE industrial electronics society …, 2013
A Collaborative Framework for Annotating Energy Datasets
HÂ Cao, TK Wijaya, K Aberer, N Nunes
2015 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 2474-2483, 2015
Robust and explainable identification of logical fallacies in natural language arguments
Z Sourati, VPP Venkatesh, D Deshpande, H Rawlani, F Ilievski, ...
Knowledge-Based Systems 266, 110418, 2023
Estimating Human Interactions with Electrical Appliances for Activity-based Energy Savings Recommendations
HÂ Cao, TK Wijaya, K Aberer
1st ACM Conference on Embedded Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings …, 2014
Multimodal and explainable internet meme classification
AK Thakur, F Ilievski, HÂ Sandlin, Z Sourati, L Luceri, R Tommasini, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.05612, 2022
Case-based reasoning with language models for classification of logical fallacies
Z Sourati, F Ilievski, HÂ Sandlin, A Mermoud
arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.11879, 2023
A Big Data architecture for early identification and categorization of dark web sites
J Pastor-Galindo, HÂ Sandlin, FG Mármol, G Bovet, GM Pérez
Future Generation Computer Systems 157, 67-81, 2024
Temporal Association Rules For Electrical Activity Detection in Residential Homes
HÂ Cao, TK Wijaya, K Aberer, N Nunes
2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData '16), 3098-3106, 2016
Leveraging User Expertise in Collaborative Systems for Annotating Energy Datasets
HÂ Cao, F Rauchenstein, TK Wijaya, K Aberer, N Nunes
2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData '16), 3087-3096, 2016
Explainable Classification of Internet Memes.
AK Thakur, F Ilievski, HÂ Sandlin, Z Sourati, L Luceri, R Tommasini, ...
NeSy, 395-409, 2023
A Study of Slang Representation Methods
A Kolla, F Ilievski, HÂ Sandlin, A Mermoud
arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.05613, 2022
Leveraging Data Analytics Towards Activity-based Energy Efficiency in Households
HÂ Cao
ETH Zurich, 2017
Estimating Human Interactions with Electrical Appliances for Activity-based Energy Savings Recommendations
HÂ Cao, TK Wijaya, K Aberer, N Nunes
Big Data (Big Data), 2016 IEEE International Conference on, 1301-1308, 2016
L'innovation au service de l'industrie: le Smaky et la souris
HÂ Cao, M Mertens
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Articles 1–14