Andrea Bergamini
Andrea Bergamini
Group Leader, Acoustics/Noise Control
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Piezoelectric resonator arrays for tunable acoustic waveguides and metamaterials
F Casadei, T Delpero, A Bergamini, P Ermanni, M Ruzzene
Journal of Applied Physics 112 (6), 2012
A novel Fe‐Mn‐Si shape memory alloy with improved shape recovery properties by VC precipitation
Z Dong, UE Klotz, C Leinenbach, A Bergamini, C Czaderski, M Motavalli
Advanced engineering materials 11 (1‐2), 40-44, 2009
Phononic crystal with adaptive connectivity
A Bergamini, T Delpero, LD Simoni, LD Lillo, M Ruzzene, P Ermanni
Advanced Materials 26 (9), 1343-1347, 2014
Broadband vibration energy harvesting based on cantilevered piezoelectric bi-stable composites
AF Arrieta, T Delpero, AE Bergamini, P Ermanni
Applied Physics Letters 102 (17), 2013
Feasibility of concrete prestressed by shape memory alloy short fibers
K Moser, A Bergamini, R Christen, C Czaderski
Materials and structures 38, 593-600, 2005
3 D Auxetic Microlattices with Independently Controllable Acoustic Band Gaps and Quasi‐S tatic Elastic Moduli
S Krödel, T Delpero, A Bergamini, P Ermanni, DM Kochmann
Advanced Engineering Materials 16 (4), 357-363, 2014
Structural engineering of three-dimensional phononic crystals
T Delpero, S Schoenwald, A Zemp, A Bergamini
Journal of Sound and Vibration 363, 156-165, 2016
Tacticity in chiral phononic crystals
A Bergamini, M Miniaci, T Delpero, D Tallarico, B Van Damme, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 4525, 2019
Tunable photo-responsive elastic metamaterials
AS Gliozzi, M Miniaci, A Chiappone, A Bergamini, B Morin, E Descrovi
Nature communications 11 (1), 2576, 2020
Three-dimensional localization of defects in stay cables using magnetic flux leakage methods
R Christen, A Bergamini, M Motavalli
Journal of nondestructive evaluation 22, 93-101, 2003
Measurement of insulating and dielectric properties of acrylic elastomer membranes at high electric fields
L Di Lillo, A Schmidt, DA Carnelli, P Ermanni, G Kovacs, E Mazza, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 111 (2), 2012
Hybrid dispersive media with controllable wave propagation: A new take on smart materials
AE Bergamini, M Zündel, EA Flores Parra, T Delpero, M Ruzzene, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 118 (15), 2015
Electrostatically tunable bending stiffness in a GFRP–CFRP composite beam
A Bergamini, R Christen, M Motavalli
Smart materials and structures 16 (3), 575, 2007
Morphing wing structure with controllable twist based on adaptive bending–twist coupling
W Raither, M Heymanns, A Bergamini, P Ermanni
Smart materials and structures 22 (6), 065017, 2013
A sandwich beam with electrostatically tunable bending stiffness
A Bergamini, R Christen, B Maag, M Motavalli
Smart materials and structures 15 (3), 678, 2006
A graded metamaterial for broadband and high-capability piezoelectric energy harvesting
B Zhao, HR Thomsen, JM De Ponti, E Riva, B Van Damme, A Bergamini, ...
Energy Conversion and Management 269, 116056, 2022
Passive damping of composite blades using embedded piezoelectric modules or shape memory alloy wires: a comparative study
F Bachmann, R De Oliveira, A Sigg, V Schnyder, T Delpero, R Jaehne, ...
Smart Materials and Structures 21 (7), 075027, 2012
Influence of steel wrapping on magneto-inductive testing of the main cables of suspension bridges
R Christen, A Bergamini, M Motavalli
NDT & e International 42 (1), 22-27, 2009
Optimum piezoelectric patch positioning: A strain energy–based finite element approach
F Bachmann, AE Bergamini, P Ermanni
Journal of intelligent material systems and structures 23 (14), 1575-1591, 2012
Bio-inspired non self-similar hierarchical elastic metamaterials
M Mazzotti, A Foehr, OR Bilal, A Bergamini, F Bosia, C Daraio, NM Pugno, ...
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 241, 107915, 2023
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Articles 1–20