Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan
Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan
Lecturer in Computer Science, Hanoi National University of Education, Vietnam
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Cited by
Handbook of elliptic and hyperelliptic curve cryptography
H Cohen, G Frey, R Avanzi, C Doche, T Lange, K Nguyen, F Vercauteren
CRC press, 2005
Separating decision Diffie–Hellman from computational Diffie–Hellman in cryptographic groups
A Joux, K Nguyen
Journal of cryptology 16, 239-247, 2003
Identification of undiagnosed type 2 diabetes by systolic blood pressure and waist-to-hip ratio
MTT Ta, KT Nguyen, ND Nguyen, LV Campbell, TV Nguyen
Diabetologia 53, 2139-2146, 2010
Closed and noise-tolerant patterns in n-ary relations
L Cerf, J Besson, KNT Nguyen, JF Boulicaut
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 26, 574-619, 2013
Multidimensional association rules in boolean tensors
KNT Nguyen, L Cerf, M Plantevit, JF Boulicaut
Proceedings of the 2011 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 570-581, 2011
Explicit arithmetic of Brauer groups: ray class fields and index calculus
K Nguyen
Essen, 2001, 2001
Discovering inter-dimensional rules in dynamic graphs
KNT Nguyen, L Cerf, M Plantevit, JF Boulicaut
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Dynamic Networks and …, 2010
Discovering descriptive rules in relational dynamic graphs
KNT Nguyen, L Cerf, M Plantevit, JF Boulicaut
Intelligent Data Analysis 17 (1), 49-69, 2013
Separate decision deffie-hellman from deffie-hellman in cryptographic groups
A Joux, K Nguyen
available from eprint. iacr. org, 0
Curve based cryptography: The state of the art in smart card environments
K Nguyen, CC Center
6th Workshop on Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC 2002), Essen, Germany, 2002
Separating Decision Diffie-Hellman from Diffie-Hellman in cryptographic groups, 2001
A Joux, K Nguyen
Manuscript. Available from eprint. iacr. org, 0
Separating Decision Die-Hellman from Die-Hellman in Cryptographic Groups
A Joux, K Nguyen
Manuscript, Jan, 2001
Separating decision Diffie-Hellman from Diffie-Hellman in cryptographic groups. IACR E-print Archive
A Joux, K Nguyen
Seperating DDH from DH in cryptographic groups
A Joux, K Nguyen
available from eprint. iacr. org, 0
Sémantiques et calculs de régles descriptives dans une relation n-aire
KNT Nguyen, L Cerf, JF Boulicaut
Proc. Actes des 26é mes journées Bases de Données Avancées 10, 1-20, 2010
Separating decision Diffie–Hellman from Diffie–Hellman in cryptographic groups
A Joux, K Nguyen
Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2001/003, 2001 (Ocotomber 5, 2006), http …, 2001
Mining disjunctive rules in dynamic graphs
KNT Nguyen, M Plantevit, JF Boulicaut
2012 IEEE RIVF International Conference on Computing & Communication …, 2012
Semi-supervised Construction of Domain-specific Knowledge Graphs.
L Halilaj, T Richardsen, A Dittberner, F Wauro, KN Nguyen
TEXT2KG/BiKE@ ESWC, 154-170, 2023
Recent Contents Volume 17, Number 1 (2013)
O Allali, C Magnien, M Latapy, M Berlingerio, M Coscia, F Giannotti, ...
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A Joux, K Nguyen
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Articles 1–20