Ozlem Polat (Ozlem Ozbudak)
Ozlem Polat (Ozlem Ozbudak)
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Cited by
Classification of brain tumors from MR images using deep transfer learning
Ö Polat, C Güngen
The Journal of Supercomputing 77 (7), 7236-7252, 2021
Automatic classification of volcanic rocks from thin section images using transfer learning networks
Ö Polat, A Polat, T Ekici
Neural Computing and Applications 33 (18), 11531-11540, 2021
Detection of covid-19 from chest CT images using xception architecture: a deep transfer learning based approach
Ö Polat
Sakarya University Journal of Science 25 (3), 800-810, 2021
Effects of the facial and racial features on gender classification
Ö Özbudak, M Kircı, Y Çakir, EO Güneş
Melecon 2010-2010 15th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, 26-29, 2010
Fast gender classification
O Ozbudak, M Tukel, S Seker
2010 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and …, 2010
On ear biometrics
B Kocaman, M Kirci, EO Gunes, Y Cakir, O Ozbudak
IEEE EUROCON 2009, 327-332, 2009
Protein motifs retrieval by SS terns occurrences
V Cantoni, A Ferone, O Ozbudak, A Petrosino
Pattern Recognition Letters 34 (5), 559-563, 2013
Motif retrieval by exhaustive matching and couple co-occurrences
V Cantoni, F Alessio, O Ozlem, P Alfredo
Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, 2012
Brain tumor classification by using a novel convolutional neural network structure
Ö Polat, Z Dokur, T Ölmez
International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 32 (5), 1646-1660, 2022
Search of protein structural blocks through secondary structure triplets
V Cantoni, A Ferone, O Ozbudak, A Petrosino
2012 3rd International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and …, 2012
Determination of Pneumonia in X-ray Chest Images by Using ConvolutionalNeural Network
Ö Polat, Z Ölmez, T Ölmez
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences 29 (3), 1615 …, 2021
Structural analysis of protein secondary structure by GHT
V Cantoni, O Ozbudak, A Ferone, A Petrosino
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition …, 2012
Segmentation of skin lesions using U-Net with efficientNetB7 backbone
MS Kartal, Ö Polat
2022 Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications Conference (ASYU), 1-5, 2022
Protein fold classification with grow-and-learn network
Ö Polat, Z Dokur
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences 25 (2), 1184 …, 2017
Classification of plutonic rock types using thin section images with deep transfer learning
Ö Polat, A Polat, T Ekici
Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 30 (4), 551-560, 2021
Protein Fold Recognition using Self-Organizing Map Neural Network
O Polat, Z Dokur
Current Bioinformatics 11 (4), 2016
Determination of COPD severity from chest CT images using deep transfer learning network
Ö Polat, İ Şalk, ÖT Doğan
Multimedia Tools and Applications 81 (15), 21903-21917, 2022
Searching structural blocks by SS exhaustive matching
V Cantoni, A Ferone, O Ozbudak, A Petrosino
Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics: 9th …, 2013
Protein structural blocks representation and search through unsupervised NN
V Cantoni, A Ferone, O Ozbudak, A Petrosino
Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning–ICANN 2012: 22nd …, 2012
Detection of benign and malignant skin cancer from dermoscopic images using modified deep residual learning model
MS Kartal, Ö Polat
III. Uluslararası Sağlıkta Yapay Zeka Kongresi, 2022
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Articles 1–20