Lan Huong Nguyen
Lan Huong Nguyen
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Ten quick tips for effective dimensionality reduction
LH Nguyen, S Holmes
PLoS computational biology 15 (6), e1006907, 2019
Autophagy is an adaptive response in desmin-related cardiomyopathy
P Tannous, H Zhu, JL Johnstone, JM Shelton, NS Rajasekaran, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (28), 9745-9750, 2008
Llms accelerate annotation for medical information extraction
A Goel, A Gueta, O Gilon, C Liu, S Erell, LH Nguyen, X Hao, B Jaber, ...
Machine Learning for Health (ML4H), 82-100, 2023
Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II-dependent remodeling of Ca2+ current in pressure overload heart failure
Y Wang, S Tandan, J Cheng, C Yang, L Nguyen, J Sugianto, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 283 (37), 25524-25532, 2008
Gut microbiota plasticity is correlated with sustained weight loss on a low-carb or low-fat dietary intervention
JA Grembi, LH Nguyen, TD Haggerty, CD Gardner, SP Holmes, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 1405, 2020
Remodeling of Outward K+ Currents in Pressure‐Overload Heart Failure
Y Wang, J Cheng, G Chen, F Rob, R Haris Naseem, L Nguyen, ...
Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 18 (8), 869-875, 2007
Optimal uncertainty quantification with model uncertainty and legacy data
PHT Kamga, B Li, M McKerns, LH Nguyen, M Ortiz, H Owhadi, TJ Sullivan
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 72, 1-19, 2014
Bayesian unidimensional scaling for visualizing uncertainty in high dimensional datasets with latent ordering of observations
LH Nguyen, S Holmes
BMC bioinformatics 18, 65-79, 2017
Chromosome-level de novo assembly of the pig-tailed macaque genome using linked-read sequencing and HiC proximity scaffolding
M Roodgar, A Babveyh, LH Nguyen, W Zhou, R Sinha, H Lee, JB Hanks, ...
Gigascience 9 (7), giaa069, 2020
Chimpanzee and pig-tailed macaque iPSCs: Improved culture and generation of primate cross-species embryos
M Roodgar, FP Suchy, LH Nguyen, VK Bajpai, R Sinha, JG Vilches-Moure, ...
Cell reports 40 (9), 2022
Building a clinically-focused problem list from medical notes
A Feder, I Laish, S Agarwal, U Lerner, A Atias, C Cheung, P Clardy, ...
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Health Text Mining and …, 2022
Robust Dimensionality Reduction for Data Visualization and Latent Structure Recovery
LH Nguyen
Stanford University, 2019
Autophagy Is an Adaptive Response in Desmin-Related Cardiomyopathy
L Nguyen, P Tannous, H Zhu, JL Johnstone, JM Shelton, R Soorappan, ...
CIRCULATION RESEARCH 103 (5), E40-E40, 2008
CaMKII-Dependent Remodeling of Ca 2 Current in Pressure-Overload Heart Failure
Y Wang134, S Tandan14, J Cheng13, C Yang, L Nguyen, J Sugianto, ...
Diffusion t-SNE for multiscale data visualization
LH Nguyen, S Holmes
mvarVis: An R package for Visualization of Multivariate Analysis Results
K Sankaran, LH Nguyen, S Holmes
Bayesian Unidimensional Scaling
LH Nguyen, S Holmes
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Articles 1–17