Ignasi Gómez-Sebastià
Ignasi Gómez-Sebastià
PHD in Artificial Intelligence, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
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Cited by
Discovery of spatio-temporal patterns from location-based social networks
J Béjar, S Álvarez, D García, I Gómez, L Oliva, A Tejeda, ...
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 28 (1-2), 313-329, 2016
Situated Agents and Humans in Social Interaction for Elderly Healthcare: From Coaalas to AVICENA
I Gómez-Sebastià, J Moreno, S Álvarez-Napagao, D Garcia-Gasulla, ...
Journal of medical systems 40, 1-20, 2016
Social network data analysis for event detection
D Garcia-Gasulla, S Alvarez-Napagao, A Tejeda-Gómez, L Oliva-Felipe, ...
ECAI 2014, 1009-1010, 2014
Making smart cities smarter using artificial intelligence techniques for smarter mobility
J Vázquez Salceda, S Álvarez Napagao, JA Tejeda Gómez, ...
SMARTGREENS 2014: proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Smart …, 2014
WizArg: Visual argumentation framework solving wizard
I Gómez-Sebastià, JC Nieves
Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, 249-258, 2010
Reasoning about river basins: WaWO+ revisited
L Oliva-Felipe, I Gómez-Sebastià, M Verdaguer, M Sànchez-Marrè, ...
Environmental modelling & software 89, 106-119, 2017
Socially-aware emergent narrative
S Alvarez-Napagao, I Gómez-Sebastià, S Panagiotidi, A Tejeda-Gómez, ...
International Workshop on Agents for Educational Games and Simulations, 139-150, 2011
Spanish version of the mHealth app usability questionnaire (MAUQ) and adaptation to breastfeeding support apps
P Quifer-Rada, L Aguilar-Camprubí, I Gómez-Sebastià, A Padró-Arocas, ...
International Journal of Medical Informatics 174, 105062, 2023
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic in breastfeeding consultations on LactApp, an m-Health solution for breastfeeding support
P Quifer-Rada, L Aguilar-Camprubí, A Padró-Arocas, I Gómez-Sebastià, ...
Telemedicine and e-Health 28 (10), 1449-1457, 2022
Modelling contractually-bounded interactions in the car insurance domain
J Vázquez-Salceda, R Confalonieri, I Gomez, P Storms, N Kuijpers, ...
Proceedings of the First International ICST Conference on Digital Business …, 2008
Making games alive: an organisational approach
S Alvarez-Napagao, F Koch, I Gómez-Sebastià, J Vázquez-Salceda
International Workshop on Agents for Games and Simulations, 179-191, 2010
CF2-extensions as Answer-set Models
M Osorio, JC Nieves, I Gómez-Sebastià
Computational Models of Argument, 391-402, 2010
Towards an implementation of a social electronic reminder for pills
I Gómez-Sebastià, D Garcia-Gasulla, S Alvarez-Napagao, ...
VII Workshop on Agents Applied in Health Care, A2HC 2012, 61, 2012
Towards Runtime Support for Norm Change from a Monitoring Perspective.
I Gómez-Sebastia, S Alvarez-Napagao, J Vázquez-Salceda, LO Felipe
AT, 71-85, 2012
Society of situated agents for adaptable eldercare
I Gómez Sebastià, D Garcia Gasulla, S Álvarez Napagao
ERCIM news, 23-24, 2011
conciens: Organizational awareness in real-time strategy games
S Alvarez-Napagao, I Gómez-Sebastià, J Vázquez-Salceda, F Koch
Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, 69-78, 2010
Urban Context Detection and Context-Aware Recommendation via Networks of Humans as Sensors
S Alvarez-Napagao, A Tejeda-Gómez, L Oliva-Felipe, D Garcia-Gasulla, ...
Workshop on Agents, Virtual Societies and Analytics, 68-85, 2014
Phenotyping intensive care unit patients using temporal abstractions and temporal pattern matching
C Daza, JS Maria, I Gomez, M Barbe, J Trincado, D Capurro
Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics …, 2016
Clinicaltime: Identification of patients with acute kidney injury using temporal abstractions and temporal pattern matching
D Capurro, M Barbe, C Daza, J Santa María, J Trincado, I Gomez
AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings 2015, 46, 2015
Applying coaalas to spider
J Moreno, U Cortés, D Garcia-Gasulla, I Gómez-Sebastià, ...
Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, 326-335, 2013
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Articles 1–20