David C. Plaut
David C. Plaut
Professor of Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University
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Cited by
Understanding normal and impaired word reading: Computational principles in quasi-regular domains
DC Plaut, JL McClelland, MS Seidenberg, K Patterson
Connectionist Psychology, 367-454, 2020
Deep dyslexia: A case study of connectionist neuropsychology
DC Plaut, T Shallice
Cognitive neuropsychology 10 (5), 377-500, 1993
Letting structure emerge: connectionist and dynamical systems approaches to cognition
JL McClelland, MM Botvinick, DC Noelle, DC Plaut, TT Rogers, ...
Trends in cognitive sciences 14 (8), 348-356, 2010
Experiments on Learning by Back Propagation.
DC Plaut
Individual and developmental differences in semantic priming: empirical and computational support for a single-mechanism account of lexical processing.
DC Plaut, JR Booth
Psychological review 107 (4), 786, 2000
Doing without schema hierarchies: a recurrent connectionist approach to normal and impaired routine sequential action.
M Botvinick, DC Plaut
Psychological review 111 (2), 395, 2004
Are non-semantic morphological effects incompatible with a distributed connectionist approach to lexical processing?
DC Plaut, LM Gonnerman
Language and Cognitive Processes 15 (4-5), 445-485, 2000
Short-term memory for serial order: a recurrent neural network model.
MM Botvinick, DC Plaut
Psychological review 113 (2), 201, 2006
Structure and function in the lexical system: Insights from distributed models of word reading and lexical decision
DC Plaut
Language and cognitive processes 12 (5-6), 765-806, 1997
Double dissociation without modularity: Evidence from connectionist neuropsychology
DC Plaut
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 17 (2), 291-321, 1995
Language acquisition in the absence of explicit negative evidence: How important is starting small?
DLT Rohde, DC Plaut
Cognition 72 (1), 67-109, 1999
SD-squared: on the association between semantic dementia and surface dyslexia.
AM Woollams, MAL Ralph, DC Plaut, K Patterson
Psychological review 114 (2), 316, 2007
Distributed circuits, not circumscribed centers, mediate visual recognition
M Behrmann, DC Plaut
Trends in cognitive sciences 17 (5), 210-219, 2013
Using fast weights to deblur old memories
GE Hinton, DC Plaut
Proceedings of the ninth annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society …, 1987
Semantic and associative priming in a distributed attractor network
DC Plaut
Proceedings of the 17th annual conference of the cognitive science society …, 1995
Unraveling the distributed neural code of facial identity through spatiotemporal pattern analysis
A Nestor, DC Plaut, M Behrmann
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (24), 9998-10003, 2011
An improved model of semantic similarity based on lexical co-occurrence
DLT Rohde, LM Gonnerman, DC Plaut
Communications of the ACM 8 (627-633), 116, 2006
The emergence of phonology from the interplay of speech comprehension and production: A distributed connectionist approach
DC Plaut, CT Kello
The emergence of language 17, 381-415, 1999
Graded modality-specific specialisation in semantics: A computational account of optic aphasia
DC Plaut
Cognitive neuropsychology 19 (7), 603-639, 2002
Relearning after damage in connectionist networks: Toward a theory of rehabilitation
DC Plaut
Brain and language 52 (1), 25-82, 1996
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Articles 1–20