Han-Chin Shing
Han-Chin Shing
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Expert, crowdsourced, and machine assessment of suicide risk via online postings
HC Shing, S Nair, A Zirikly, M Friedenberg, H Daumé III, P Resnik
Proceedings of the fifth workshop on computational linguistics and clinical …, 2018
A prioritization model for suicidality risk assessment
HC Shing, P Resnik, DW Oard
Proceedings of the 58th annual meeting of the association for computational …, 2020
Learning to revise references for faithful summarization
G Adams, HC Shing, Q Sun, C Winestock, K McKeown, N Elhadad
arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.10290, 2022
Towards clinical encounter summarization: Learning to compose discharge summaries from prior notes
HC Shing, C Shivade, N Pourdamghani, F Nan, P Resnik, D Oard, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.13498, 2021
In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022
G Adams, HC Shing, Q Sun, C Winestock, K McKeown, N Elhadad
Assigning medical codes at the encounter level by paying attention to documents
HC Shing, G Wang, P Resnik
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.06848, 2019
Surprise languages: rapid-response cross-language IR
DW Oard, M Carpuat, P Galuscakova, J Barrow, S Nair, X Niu, HC Shing, ...
The Ninth International Workshop on Evaluating Information Access (EVIA 2019 …, 2019
Towards clinical encounter summarization: learning to compose discharge summaries from prior notes, arXiv
HC Shing, C Shivade, N Pourdamghani, F Nan, P Resnik, D Oard, ...
preprint: not peer reviewed, 2021
Unsupervised system combination for set-based retrieval with expectation maximization
HC Shing, J Barrow, P Galuščáková, DW Oard, P Resnik
Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction: 10th …, 2019
Entity anchored ICD coding
J DeYoung, HC Shing, L Kong, C Winestock, C Shivade
arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.07444, 2022
A Human-Centric Approach to NLP in Healthcare Applications
HC Shing
University of Maryland, College Park, 2021
MATERIALizing Cross-Language Information Retrieval: A Snapshot
P Galuščáková, DW Oard, J Barrow, S Nair, S Han-Chin, E Zotkina, ...
Proceedings of the workshop on Cross-Language Search and Summarization of …, 2020
The Optimization of the Dielectrophoresis Electrode to Enhance Separation Efficiency by Genetic Algorithm
HC Shing, CH Gao, SC Lin, CT Lin
Proceeding of the 4th European Conference on Microfluidics, µFlu 14, 2014
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Articles 1–13