Ladislav Hluchy
Ladislav Hluchy
Scientist, Institute of Informatics, Slovak Academy of Sciences
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Cited by
Cited by
Machine learning and deep learning frameworks and libraries for large-scale data mining: a survey
G Nguyen, S Dlugolinsky, M Bobák, V Tran, Á López García, I Heredia, ...
Artificial Intelligence Review 52, 77-124, 2019
Perspectives on grid computing
U Schwiegelshohn, RM Badia, M Bubak, M Danelutto, S Dustdar, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 26 (8), 1104-1115, 2010
Agentowl: Semantic knowledge model and agent architecture
M Laclavik, Z Balogh, M Babik, L Hluchý
Computing and Informatics 25 (5), 421-439, 2006
Benchmarking traversal operations over graph databases
M Ciglan, A Averbuch, L Hluchy
2012 IEEE 28th International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops, 186-189, 2012
Agent platform evaluation and comparison
G Nguyen, TT Dang, L Hluchy, Z Balogh, M Laclavik, I Budinska
Rapport technique, Institute of Informatics, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2002
Grid computing technology for hydrological applications
G Lecca, M Petitdidier, L Hluchy, M Ivanovic, N Kussul, N Ray, V Thieron
Journal of Hydrology 403 (1-2), 186-199, 2011
Water resource quality monitoring using heterogeneous data and high-performance computations
AN Kravchenko, NN Kussul, EA Lupian, VP Savorsky, L Hluchy, ...
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 44, 616-624, 2008
Ontea: Platform for pattern based automated semantic annotation
M Laclavik, M Šeleng, M Ciglan, L Hluchý
Computing and informatics 28 (4), 555–579-555–579, 2009
Email analysis and information extraction for enterprise benefit
M Laclavík, Š Dlugolinský, M Šeleng, M Kvassay, E Gatial, Z Balogh, ...
Computing and informatics 30 (1), 57-87, 2011
Data mining and integration for predicting significant meteorological phenomena
J Bartok, O Habala, P Bednar, M Gazak, L Hluchý
Procedia Computer Science 1 (1), 37-46, 2010
The SemSets model for ad-hoc semantic list search
M Ciglan, K Nřrvĺg, L Hluchý
Proceedings of the 21st international conference on World Wide Web, 131-140, 2012
Towards large scale semantic annotation built on mapreduce architecture
M Laclavík, M Šeleng, L Hluchý
International Conference on Computational Science, 331-338, 2008
A heuristics approach to mine behavioural data logs in mobile malware detection system
G Nguyen, BM Nguyen, D Tran, L Hluchy
Data & Knowledge Engineering 115, 129-151, 2018
Deep integration of python with web ontology language
M Babik, L Hluchy
Proc. of 2nd Workshop on Scripting for the Semantic Web 1 (1), 2006
Emails as graph: relation discovery in email archive
M Laclavík, Š Dlugolinský, M Šeleng, M Ciglan, L Hluchý
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on World Wide Web, 841-846, 2012
Ontology based text annotation-OnTeA
M Laclavik, M Seleng, E Gatial, Z Balogh, L Hluchy
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 154, 311, 2007
Focused web crawling mechanism based on page relevance
E Gatial, Z Balogh, M Laclavik, M Ciglan, L Hluchy
Proceedings of ITAT, 41-46, 2005
Agent-based simulation platform evaluation in the context of human behavior modeling
M Laclavík, Š Dlugolinský, M Šeleng, M Kvassay, B Schneider, H Bracker, ...
Advanced Agent Technology: AAMAS 2011 Workshops, AMPLE, AOSE, ARMS, DOCM 3 …, 2012
A roadmap for a dedicated Earth Science Grid platform
R Cossu, M Petitdidier, J Linford, V Badoux, L Fusco, B Gotab, L Hluchy, ...
Earth Science Informatics 3, 135-148, 2010
RDB2Onto: Approach for creating semantic metadata from relational database data
M Šeleng, M Laclavík, Z Balogh, L Hluchý
The ninth international conference on Informatics, 2007
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Articles 1–20