Gandeva Bayu Satrya, Ph.D
Gandeva Bayu Satrya, Ph.D
SMIEEE and School of Engineering, Applied Science and Technology, Canadian University Dubai, UAE
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Cited by
Scalable machine learning-based intrusion detection system for IoT-enabled smart cities
MA Rahman, AT Asyhari, LS Leong, GB Satrya, MH Tao, MF Zolkipli
Sustainable Cities and Society 61, 102324, 2020
Design of smart LED streetlight system for smart city with web-based management system
PT Daely, HT Reda, GB Satrya, JW Kim, SY Shin
IEEE Sensors Journal 17 (18), 6100-6110, 2017
Detection of small colon bleeding in wireless capsule endoscopy videos
MA Usman, GB Satrya, MR Usman, SY Shin
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 54, 16-26, 2016
Digital forensic analysis of Telegram Messenger on Android devices
GB Satrya, PT Daely, MA Nugroho
2016 International Conference on Information & Communication Technology and …, 2016
A modified hybrid particle swarm optimization with bat algorithm parameter inspired acceleration coefficients for solving eco-friendly and economic dispatch problems
M Ellahi, G Abbas, GB Satrya, MR Usman, J Gu
IEEE Access 9, 82169-82187, 2021
Android forensics analysis: Private chat on social messenger
GB Satrya, PT Daely, SY Shin
Eighth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN), 2016
Efficient and secure data delivery in software defined WBAN for virtual hospital
M Al Shayokh, A Abeshu, GB Satrya, MA Nugroho
2016 international conference on control, electronics, renewable energy and …, 2016
IoT and public weather data based monitoring & control software development for variable color temperature LED street lights
GB Satrya, HT Reda, KJ Woo, PT Daely, SY Shin, S Chae
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information …, 2017
Security enhancement to successive interference cancellation algorithm for non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA)
GB Satrya, SY Shin
2017 IEEE 28th annual international symposium on personal, indoor, and …, 2017
An efficient implementation of ntru encryption in post-quantum internet of things
YM Agus, MA Murti, F Kurniawan, NDW Cahyani, GB Satrya
2020 27th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), 1-5, 2020
Adaptive traffic load in IRSA-NOMA prioritizing emergency devices for 6G enabled massive IoT
INA Ramatryana, GB Satrya, SY Shin
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 10 (12), 2713-2717, 2021
The detection of 8 type malware botnet using hybrid malware analysis in executable file windows operating systems
GB Satrya, NDW Cahyani, RF Andreta
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Electronic Commerce 2015 …, 2015
A comparative study of post-quantum cryptographic algorithm implementations for secure and efficient energy systems monitoring
GB Satrya, YM Agus, AB Mnaouer
Electronics 12 (18), 3824, 2023
Creative Digital Marketing and Advanced Internetworking Assistance Programs for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Buah Batu District Bandung
B Suryawardani, A Wulandari, D Marcelino, GB Satrya, R Wijaya, ...
Engagement: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 5 (2), 361-376, 2021
The detection of ddos flooding attack using hybrid analysis in ipv6 networks
GB Satrya, RL Chandra, FA Yulianto
2015 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication …, 2015
Enhancing security of SIC algorithm on non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) based systems
GB Satrya, SY Shin
Physical Communication 33, 16-25, 2019
Proposed method for mobile forensics investigation analysis of remnant data on Google Drive client
GB Satrya, SY Shin
Journal of Internet Technology 19 (6), 1741-1751, 2018
Implementasi Protokol MQTT Pada Smart Building Berbasis OpenMTC
GO Satria, GB Satrya, A Herutomo
eProceedings of Engineering 2 (2), 2015
Evolutionary computing approach to optimize superframe scheduling on industrial wireless sensor networks
GB Satrya, SY Shin
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 34 (3 …, 2022
Optimizing Rule on Open Source Firewall Using Content and PCRE Combination
GB Satrya, SY Shin
Journal of Advances in Computer Networks 3 (4), 308-314, 2015
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Articles 1–20