Markus Leitner
Cited by
Cited by
Determining optimal locations for charging stations of electric car-sharing systems under stochastic demand
G Brandstätter, M Kahr, M Leitner
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 104, 17-35, 2017
Thinning out Steiner trees: a node-based model for uniform edge costs
M Fischetti, M Leitner, I Ljubic, M Luipersbeck, M Monaci, M Resch, ...
Overview of optimization problems in electric car-sharing system design and management
G Brandstätter, C Gambella, M Leitner, E Malaguti, F Masini, J Puchinger, ...
Dynamic perspectives on managerial decision making: Essays in honor of …, 2016
Location of charging stations in electric car sharing systems
G Brandstätter, M Leitner, I Ljubić
Transportation Science, 2020
Combining variable neighborhood search with integer linear programming for the generalized minimum spanning tree problem
B Hu, M Leitner, GR Raidl
Journal of Heuristics 14, 473-499, 2008
A dual-ascent-based branch-and-bound framework for the prize-collecting Steiner tree and related problems
M Leitner, I Ljubic, M Luipersbeck, M Sinnl
Benders decomposition for competitive influence maximization in (social) networks
M Kahr, M Leitner, M Ruthmair, M Sinnl
Omega 100, 102264, 2021
Large-scale influence maximization via maximal covering location
E Güney, M Leitner, M Ruthmair, M Sinnl
European Journal of Operational Research, 2020
Layered graph approaches for combinatorial optimization problems
L Gouveia, M Leitner, M Ruthmair
Least cost influence propagation in (social) networks
M Fischetti, M Kahr, M Leitner, M Monaci, M Ruthmair
Mathematical Programming 170 (1), 293-325, 2018
Branch-and-cut-and-price for capacitated connected facility location
M Leitner, GR Raidl
Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms 10 (3), 245-267, 2011
Extended Formulations and Branch-and-Cut Algorithms for the Black-and-White Traveling Salesman Problem
L Gouveia, M Leitner, M Ruthmair
European Journal of Operational Research, 2017
Hop constrained Steiner trees with multiple root nodes
L Gouveia, M Leitner, I Ljubić
European Journal of Operational Research 236 (1), 100-112, 2014
Lagrangian decomposition, metaheuristics, and hybrid approaches for the design of the last mile in fiber optic networks
M Leitner, GR Raidl
Hybrid Metaheuristics: 5th International Workshop, HM 2008, Málaga, Spain …, 2008
A computational study of exact approaches for the bi-objective prize-collecting steiner tree problem
M Leitner, I Ljubić, M Sinnl
INFORMS Journal on Computing 27 (1), 118-134, 2015
New real-world instances for the steiner tree problem in graphs
M Leitner, I Ljubic, M Luipersbeck, M Prossegger, M Resch
Technical report, ISOR, University of Vienna, 2014
An algorithmic framework for the exact solution of tree-star problems
M Leitner, I Ljubić, JJ Salazar-González, M Sinnl
European Journal of Operational Research 261 (1), 54-66, 2017
ILP heuristics and a new exact method for bi-objective 0/1 ILPs: Application to FTTx-network design
M Leitner, I Ljubić, M Sinnl, A Werner
Computers & Operations Research 72, 128-146, 2016
Layered graph models and exact algorithms for the generalized hop-constrained minimum spanning tree problem
M Leitner
Computers & Operations Research 65, 1-18, 2016
The two-level diameter constrained spanning tree problem
L Gouveia, M Leitner, I Ljubić
Mathematical Programming 150 (1), 49-78, 2012
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Articles 1–20