Zoë Bukovac
Cited by
Cited by
Mapping species distributions with social media geo-tagged images: Case studies of bees and flowering plants in Australia
MM ElQadi, A Dorin, A Dyer, M Burd, Z Bukovac, M Shrestha
Ecological Informatics 39, 23-31, 2017
Pollination in a new climate: assessing the potential influence of flower temperature variation on insect pollinator behaviour
M Shrestha, JE Garcia, Z Bukovac, A Dorin, AG Dyer
PloS one 13 (8), 2018
Why background colour matters to bees and flowers
Z Bukovac, M Shrestha, JE Garcia, M Burd, A Dorin, AG Dyer
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 203 (5), 369-380, 2017
Assessing the ecological significance of bee visual detection and colour discrimination on the evolution of flower colours
Z Bukovac, A Dorin, V Finke, M Shrestha, J Garcia, A Avarguès-Weber, ...
Evolutionary Ecology 31 (2), 153-172, 2017
A-bees see: a simulation to assess social bee visual attention during complex search tasks
Z Bukovac, A Dorin, A Dyer
Artificial Life Conference Proceedings 13, 276-283, 2013
Simulation-governed design and tuning of greenhouses for successful bee pollination
A Dorin, A Dyer, T Taylor, Z Bukovac
Short certificates for chromatic equivalence
Z Bukovac, G Farr, K Morgan
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 23 (2), 227-269, 2019
Certificates for Properties of Chromatic Polynomials of Graphs
Z Bukovac
Monash University, 2012
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Articles 1–8