Giovanni Toffetti
Giovanni Toffetti
Associate Professor, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)
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Reservoir-when one cloud is not enough
B Rochwerger, D Breitgand, A Epstein, D Hadas, I Loy, K Nagin, ...
Computer 44 (3), 44-51, 2011
Web usability: principles and evaluation methods
M Matera, F Rizzo, G Toffetti Carughi
Web engineering, 143-180, 2006
Conceptual modeling and code generation for rich internet applications
A Bozzon, S Comai, P Fraternali, G Toffetti Carughi
Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Web engineering, 353-360, 2006
An architecture for self-managing microservices
G Toffetti, S Brunner, M Blöchlinger, F Dudouet, A Edmonds
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Automated Incident …, 2015
Monitoring Service Clouds in the Future Internet.
S Clayman, A Galis, C Chapman, G Toffetti, L Rodero-Merino, ...
Future Internet Assembly, 115-126, 2010
Self-managing cloud-native applications: Design, implementation, and experience
G Toffetti, S Brunner, M Blöchlinger, J Spillner, TM Bohnert
Future Generation Computer Systems 72, 165-179, 2017
Engineering rich internet applications with a model-driven approach
P Fraternali, S Comai, A Bozzon, G Toffetti Carughi
ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB) 4 (2), 7, 2010
State-of-the Art and trends in the Systematic Development of Rich Internet Applications
G Toffetti, S Comai, JC Preciado, M Linaje
Journal of Web Engineering 10 (1), 70-86, 2011
Capturing RIA concepts in a web modeling language
A Bozzon, S Comai, P Fraternali, G Toffetti Carughi
Proceedings of the 15th international conference on World Wide Web, 907-908, 2006
Architectural issues and solutions in the development of data-intensive web applications
S Ceri, P Fraternali, A Bongio, S Butti, R Acerbis, M Tagliasacchi, ...
Modeling distributed events in data-intensive rich internet applications
G Toffetti Carughi, S Comai, A Bozzon, P Fraternali
Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Web information systems …, 2007
A conceptual modeling approach to business service mashup development
A Bozzon, M Brambilla, FM Facca, G Toffetti Carughi
Web Services, 2009. ICWS 2009. IEEE International Conference on, 751-758, 2009
Kriging controllers for cloud applications
A Gambi, G Toffetti, C Pautasso, M Pezze
IEEE Internet Computing 17 (4), 40-47, 2013
A behavioral model for rich internet applications
S Comai, G Toffetti Carughi
Web Engineering, 364-369, 2007
Optimized resource allocation and management in a virtualized computing environment
D Breitgand, Z Dubitzky, A Epstein, O Feder, A Glikson, P Kravchenco, ...
US Patent 9,405,572, 2016
Experimental evaluation of the cloud-native application design
S Brunner, M Blöchlinger, G Toffetti, J Spillner, TM Bohnert
2015 IEEE/ACM 8th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing …, 2015
An Adaptive Utilization Accelerator for Virtualized Environments
D Breitgand, Z Dubitzky, A Epstein, O Feder, A Glikson, I Shapira, ...
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering …, 2014
Engineering autonomic controllers for virtualized web applications
G Toffetti, A Gambi, M Pezzé, C Pautasso
International Conference on Web Engineering, 66-80, 2010
Webratio, an innovative technology for web application development
R Acerbis, A Bongio, S Butti, S Ceri, F Ciapessoni, C Conserva, ...
Web Engineering, 779-779, 2004
Cloud robotics with ROS
G Toffetti, TM Bohnert
Robot Operating System (ROS) The Complete Reference (Volume 4), 119-146, 2019
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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