From non-functional requirements to design through patterns D Gross, E Yu Requirements Engineering 6, 18-36, 2001 | 372 | 2001 |
A note on the optimal tariff, retaliation and the welfare loss from tariff wars in a framework with intra-industry trade D Gros Journal of international Economics 23 (3-4), 357-367, 1987 | 293 | 1987 |
The Consequences of Real Exchange Rate Rules for Inflation: Some Illustrative Examples (Incidence sur l'inflation des règles régissant le taux de change réel: quelques exemples … C Adams, D Gros Staff Papers-International Monetary Fund, 439-476, 1986 | 204 | 1986 |
A lightweight GRL profile for i* modeling D Amyot, J Horkoff, D Gross, G Mussbacher Advances in Conceptual Modeling-Challenging Perspectives: ER 2009 Workshops …, 2009 | 119 | 2009 |
Evolving system architecture to meet changing business goals: an agent and goal-oriented approach D Gross, E Yu Proceedings Fifth IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering …, 2001 | 88 | 2001 |
Architectural design to meet stakeholder requirements L Chung, D Gross, E Yu Software Architecture: TC2 First Working IFIP Conference on Software …, 1999 | 67 | 1999 |
Managing risk in open source software adoption X Franch, A Susi, MC Annosi, C Ayala, R Glott, D Gross, R Kenett, ... International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications 2, 258-264, 2013 | 62 | 2013 |
Protectionism in a Framework with Intra-Industry Trade: Tariffs, Quotas, Retaliation, and Welfare Losses (Le protectionnisme dans un cadre faisant intervenir les échanges de … D Gros Staff Papers-International Monetary Fund, 86-114, 1987 | 40 | 1987 |
Optimal tariff versus optimal sanction D Gros CEPS Policy Insight, March, 2022 | 27 | 2022 |
Means-ends based know-how mapping A Sturm, D Gross, J Wang, E Yu Journal of Knowledge Management 21 (2), 454-473, 2017 | 17 | 2017 |
Wage Indexation and the Real Exchange Rate in Small Open Economies: A Study of the Effects of Fluctuations in Export Earnings (Indexation des salaires et taux de change réel … D Gros Staff Papers-International Monetary Fund, 117-138, 1986 | 13 | 1986 |
The RISCOSS platform for risk management in open source software adoption X Franch, R Kenett, F Mancinelli, A Susi, D Ameller, MC Annosi, ... Open Source Systems: Adoption and Impact: 11th IFIP WG 2.13 International …, 2015 | 12 | 2015 |
Aligning business goals and risks in oss adoption D Costal, L López, M Morandini, A Siena, MC Annosi, D Gross, L Méndez, ... International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, 35-49, 2015 | 10 | 2015 |
Some Illustrative Examples of the Consequences of Real Exchange Rate Rules for Inflation C Adams, D Gros unpublished, International Monetary Fund, 1986 | 10 | 1986 |
Towards Know-how Mapping Using Goal Modeling. D Gross, A Sturm, SK Eric iStar, 115-120, 2013 | 8 | 2013 |
Analyzing Software Process Alignment with Organizational Business Strategies using an Agent-and Goal-oriented Analysis Technique-an Experience Report. MC Annosi, A De Pascale, D Gross, SK Eric iStar, 9-12, 2008 | 8 | 2008 |
Dealing with system qualities during design and composition of aspects and modules: an agent and goal-oriented approach D Gross, E Yu Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Traceability in Emerging …, 2002 | 7 | 2002 |
lA Note on the Optimal Tariff D Gros Retaliation and the Welfare Loss from Tariff Wars in a Framework with Intra …, 1987 | 6 | 1987 |
Know-How Mapping: From i* to ME-maps. J Wang, A Sturm, D Gross, SK Eric iStar, 2014 | 5 | 2014 |