Valentin Plugaru
Valentin Plugaru
LuxProvide High Performance Computing Center
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Cited by
VizBin-an application for reference-independent visualization and human-augmented binning of metagenomic data
CC Laczny, T Sternal, V Plugaru, P Gawron, A Atashpendar, ...
Microbiome 3 (1), 1, 2015
HPC Performance and Energy-Efficiency of Xen, KVM and VMware Hypervisors
S Varrette, M Guzek, V Plugaru, X Besseron, P Bouvry
Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD), 2013 25th …, 2013
A holistic model of the performance and the energy efficiency of hypervisors in a high‐performance computing environment
M Guzek, S Varrette, V Plugaru, JE Pecero, P Bouvry
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 26 (15), 2569-2590, 2014
A Holistic Model of the Performance and the Energy-Efficiency of Hypervisors in an HPC Environment
M Guzek, S Varrette, V Plugaru, JE Pecero, P Bouvry
Energy Efficiency in Large Scale Distributed Systems, 133-152, 2013
HPC Performance and Energy-Efficiency of the OpenStack Cloud Middleware
S Varrette, V Plugaru, M Guzek, X Besseron, P Bouvry
43rd Intl. Conf. on Parallel Processing (ICPP-2014), 2014
Performance Analysis of Cloud Environments on Top of Energy-Efficient Platforms Featuring Low Power Processors
V Plugaru, S Varrette, P Bouvry
6th IEEE Intl. Conf. on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom'14), 2014
Performance Evaluation of the XDEM framework on the OpenStack Cloud Computing Middleware
X Besseron, V Plugaru, AH Mahmoudi, S Varrette, B Peters, P Bouvry
The Fourth International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud …, 2015
Evaluating the HPC Performance and Energy-Efficiency of Intel and ARM-based systems with synthetic and bioinformatics workloads
V Plugaru, S Varrette, F Pinel, P Bouvry
CSC, 2014
Performance tuning of applications in HPC environments employing Simulated Annealing
V Plugaru, S Varrette, P Bouvry
Intl. Conf. on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing (META'14), 2014
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Articles 1–9