Farig Sadeque
Farig Sadeque
Associate Professor, BRAC University
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Cited by
Measuring the latency of depression detection in social media
F Sadeque, D Xu, S Bethard
Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM International Conference on Web Search and …, 2018
Uarizona at the clef erisk 2017 pilot task: linear and recurrent models for early depression detection
F Sadeque, D Xu, S Bethard
CEUR workshop proceedings 1866, 2017
Does BERT need domain adaptation for clinical negation detection?
C Lin, S Bethard, D Dligach, F Sadeque, G Savova, TA Miller
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 27 (4), 584-591, 2020
Incivility detection in online comments
F Sadeque, S Rains, Y Shmargad, K Kenski, K Coe, S Bethard
Proceedings of the eighth joint conference on lexical and computational …, 2019
A BERT-based one-pass multi-task model for clinical temporal relation extraction
C Lin, T Miller, D Dligach, F Sadeque, S Bethard, G Savova
Why do they leave: Modeling participation in online depression forums
F Sadeque, T Pedersen, T Solorio, P Shrestha, N Rey-Villamizar, ...
Proceedings of the fourth international workshop on natural language …, 2016
Predicting continued participation in online health forums
F Sadeque, T Solorio, T Pedersen, P Shrestha, S Bethard
Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Health Text Mining and …, 2015
Age and gender prediction on health forum data
P Shrestha, N Rey-Villamizar, F Sadeque, T Pedersen, S Bethard, ...
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and …, 2016
Bangla text to speech conversion: A syllabic unit selection approach
FY Sadeque, S Yasar, MM Islam
2013 International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision (ICIEV …, 2013
Badlad: A large multi-domain bengali document layout analysis dataset
MIH Shihab, MR Hasan, MR Emon, SM Hossen, MN Ansary, I Ahmed, ...
International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 326-341, 2023
Predicting engagement in online social networks: Challenges and opportunities
F Sadeque, S Bethard
arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.05442, 2019
OOD-Speech: A Large Bengali Speech Recognition Dataset for Out-of-Distribution Benchmarking
INTERSPEECH 2023, 879-883, 2023
Analysis of anxious word usage on online health forums
N Rey-Villamizar, P Shrestha, F Sadeque, S Bethard, T Pedersen, ...
Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Health Text Mining and …, 2016
Abugida Normalizer and Parser for Unicode texts
MN Ansary, QAR Adib, T Reasat, SM Mehnaz, AS Sushmit, AI Humayun, ...
CoRR, 2023
Gazetteer-Enhanced Bangla Named Entity Recognition with BanglaBERT Semantic Embeddings K-Means-Infused CRF Model
N Farhan, SS Joy, TB Mannan, F Sadeque
arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.17206, 2024
Banglabait: Semi-supervised adversarial approach for clickbait detection on bangla clickbait dataset
MM Mahtab, M Haque, M Hasan, F Sadeque
arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.06204, 2023
ACSMKRHR at SemEval-2023 Task 10: Explainable Online Sexism Detection (EDOS)
RH Rifat, A Shruti, M Kamal, F Sadeque
Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation …, 2023
Mapping Violence: Developing an Extensive Framework to Build a Bangla Sectarian Expression Dataset from Social Media Interactions
N Tasnim, SS Gupta, MIH Shihab, FI Juee, A Tahsin, P Ghum, K Fatema, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.11752, 2024
bbocr: An open-source multi-domain ocr pipeline for bengali documents
IM Zulkarnain, SB Islam, MZAZ Farabe, MMH Shawon, JM Abedin, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.10647, 2023
TEAM-Atreides at SemEval-2022 Task 11: On leveraging data augmentation and ensemble to recognize complex Named Entities in Bangla
N Tasnim, MIH Shihab, AS Sushmit, S Bethard, F Sadeque
arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.09964, 2022
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Articles 1–20