Javi Fernández
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Cited by
GPLSI: Supervised Sentiment Analysis in Twitter using Skipgrams
J Fernández, Y Gutiérrez, JM Gómez, P Martınez-Barco
Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation …, 2014
Análisis de Sentimientos y Minería de Opiniones: el corpus EmotiBlog
J Fernández, E Boldrini, JM Gómez, P Martínez-Barco
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 179-187, 2011
Why are some social-media contents more popular than others? Opinion and association rules mining applied to virality patterns discovery
E Saquete, J Zubcoff, Y Gutiérrez, P Martínez-Barco, J Fernández
Expert Systems with Applications 197, 116676, 2022
Analizando opiniones en las redes sociales
J Fernández, F Llopis, P Martínez-Barco, Y Gutiérrez, Á Díez
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 58, 141-148, 2017
Sentiment Analysis of Spanish Tweets Using a Ranking Algorithm and Skipgrams
J Fernández, Y Gutiérrez, JM Gómez, P Martínez-Barco, A Montoyo, ...
XXIX Congreso de la Sociedad Espanola de Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural …, 2013
Ensemble classifier for Twitter Sentiment Analysis
E Martınez-Cámara, Y Gutiérrez-Vázquez, J Fernández, A Montejo-Ráez, ...
Machine Learning Techniques for Automatic Opinion Detection in Non-Traditional Textual Genres
E Boldrini, J Fernández, JM Gómez, P Martínez-Barco
Proceedings of WOMSA, 2009
Social Rankings: análisis visual de sentimientos en redes sociales
J Fernández, Y Gutiérrez, JM Gómez, P Martínez-Barco
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 55, 199-202, 2015
DLSI-Volvam at RepLab 2013: Polarity Classification on Twitter Data
A Mosquera, J Fernández, JM Gómez, P Martınez-Barco, P Moreda
Evaluating EmotiBlog robustness for sentiment analysis tasks
J Fernández, E Boldrini, J Gómez, P Martínez-Barco
Natural Language Processing and Information Systems, 290-294, 2011
Opinion Mining in Social Networks versus Electoral Polls
J Fernández, F Llopis, Y Gutiérrez, P Martínez-Barco, À Díez
Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural …, 2017
A Supervised Approach for Sentiment Analysis using Skipgrams
J Fernández, JM Gómez, P Martínez-Barco
11th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive …, 2014
Evaluación de sistemas de recuperación de información web sobre dominios restringidos
J Fernández, JM Gómez, P Martínez-Barco
Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural 45, 273-276, 2010
Evaluating a Sentiment Analysis Approach from a Business Point of View
J Fernández, Y Gutiérrez, D Tomás, JM Gómez, P Martínez-Barco
Benefits of using ranking skip-gram techniques for opinion mining approaches
Y Gutierrez, D Tomas, J Fernandez
eChallenges e-2015 Conference, 2015, 1-10, 2015
GPLSI at TREC 2018 RTS Track
J Fernández, F Llopis, Y Gutiérrez, P Martınez-Barco, JM Gómez, ...
The Twenty-Seventh Text REtrieval Conference Proceedings (TREC 2018), 2018
Análisis de sentimientos multilingüe en la Web 2.0
J Fernández, JM Gómez, P Martınez-Barco
Actas de las V Jornadas de la Red en Tratamiento de la Información …, 2014
EmotiBlog: towards a finer-grained sentiment analysis and its application to opinion mining
E Boldrini, J Fernández Martínez, JM Gómez, P Martínez-Barco
Multidimensional Data Analysis for Enhancing In-Depth Knowledge on the Characteristics of Science and Technology Parks
O Francés, J Abreu-Salas, J Fernández, Y Gutiérrez, M Palomar
Applied Sciences 13 (23), 12595, 2023
Sentiment classification for early detection of health alerts in the chemical textile domain
J Fernández, C Prieto, E Lloret, JM Gómez, P Martınez-Barco, M Palomar
CLIN Journal 3, 2013
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Articles 1–20