Gianluca Tarasconi
Gianluca Tarasconi
ipQuants AG
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Cited by
The Keins database on academic inventors: methodology and contents
F Lissoni, B Sanditov, G Tarasconi
Università commerciale Luigi Bocconi, 2006
CRIOS-Patstat database: sources, contents and access rules
M Coffano, G Tarasconi
Center for Research on Innovation, Organization and Strategy, CRIOS working …, 2014
How to kill inventors: testing the Massacrator© algorithm for inventor disambiguation
M Pezzoni, F Lissoni, G Tarasconi
Scientometrics 101, 477-504, 2014
PATSTAT revisited: Suggestions for better usage
B Kang, G Tarasconi
World patent information 46, 56-63, 2016
Inventor Data for Research on Migration and Innovation: A Survey and a Pilot
S Breschi, F Lissoni, G Tarasconi
WIPO Economic Research Working Papers, 2014
Matching Crunchbase with patent data
G Tarasconi, C Menon
OECD, 2017
Tied in: The global network of local innovation
E Miguelez, JD Raffo, C Chacua, M Coda-Zabetta, D Yin, F Lissoni, ...
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Economic Research Working …, 2019
Progress and potential: 2020 update on US women inventor-patentees
A Toole, MJ Saksena, CAW Degrazia, KP Black, F Lissoni, E Miguelez, ...
Department of Commerce: US Patent and Trademark Office, 2020
Progress and potential: A profile of women inventors on US patents
A Toole, S Breschi, E Miguelez, A Myers, E Ferrucci, V Sterzi, F Lissoni, ...
Alexandria (VA): US Patent and Trademark Office, 2019
Highly Cited Patents, Highly Cited Publications, and Research Networks
S Breschi, G Tarasconi, C Catalini, L Novella, P Guatta, H Johnson
Submitted to DG Research Directorate M: 'Investment in Resear ch and Links …, 2006
APE-INV’s “name game” algorithm challenge: A guideline for benchmark data analysis and reporting.”
F Lissoni, M Coffano, A Maurino, M Pezzoni, G Tarasconi
Technical Report, 2010
Inventor data for research on migration and innovation: The ethnic-inv pilot database
S Breschi, F Lissoni, G Tarasconi
HAL Post-Print, 2017
The patenting activity of the top IRI Scoreboard Companies: an introductory note
A Vezzani, F Montobbio, S Montresor, G Tarasconi
JCR technical reports, 2014
Getting started with PATSTAT register
G De Rassenfosse, M Kracker, G Tarasconi
Australian Economic Review 50 (1), 110-120, 2017
The technological profile and specialisation pattern of countries
S Breschi, G Tarasconi
rtd innovation papers studies, 2013
APE-INV Data Dissemination and Users’ Feedback Project
M Den Besten, F Lissoni, A Maurino, M Pezzoni, G Tarasconi
2014-04-26]. http://www. esf-ape-inv. eu, 2012
Progress and Potential: A profile of women inventors on US patents
E Miguelez, A Toole, A Myers, S Breschi, E Ferruci, F Lissoni, V Sterzi, ...
HAL Post-Print, 2019
Matching patent data with financial data
G Tarasconi
Les notes pratiques de l’OST, 2014
Progress and Potential-A profile of women inventors on US patents, in Office of the Chief Economist IP Data Highlights (n° 2)
F Lissoni, E Miguelez, AA Toole, A Myers, S Breschi, E Ferruci, V Sterzi, ...
Office of the Chief Economist IP Data Highlights, 2018
‘With no siblings, but with a home’: Single Patent-code Inventions (SPIs) and regional technological diversification
C Cozza, S Montresor, A Palma, G Tarasconi
Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 1-21, 2024
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Articles 1–20