Hadi Saki
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Cited by
Cross-layer resource allocation for video streaming over OFDMA cognitive radio networks
H Saki, M Shikh-Bahaei
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 17 (3), 333-345, 2015
Device-to-device (D2D) communication as a bootstrapping system in a wireless cellular network
N Anjum, Z Yang, H Saki, M Kiran, M Shikh-Bahaei
IEEE Access 7, 6661-6678, 2019
Cross-layer resource allocation for video streaming over OFDMA cognitive radio networks with imperfect cross-link CSI
H Saki, A Shojaeifard, M Shikh-Bahaei
2014 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications …, 2014
Multi-user scalable video transmission over cognitive radio networks
H Saki, MG Martini, M Shikh-Bahaei
2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 7564-7569, 2015
Resource allocation and interference management for adaptive modulation and coding-based OFDMA cognitive radio networks
A Shojaeifard, H Saki, MM Mahyari, M Shikh-Bahaei
2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 5908-5913, 2014
Challenges and perspectives in neuromorphic-based visual IoT systems and networks
M Martini, N Khan, Y Bi, Y Andreopoulos, H Saki, M Shikh-Bahaei
ICASSP 2020-2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2020
Machine learning based frame classification for videos transmitted over mobile networks
H Saki, N Khan, MG Martini, MM Nasralla
2019 IEEE 24th International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design …, 2019
Active queue management for congestion avoidance in multimedia streaming
SE Ghoreishi, AH Aghvami, H Saki
2015 European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), 487-491, 2015
Stochastic resource allocation for hybrid spectrum access ofdma-based cognitive radios
H Saki, A Shojaeifard, MG Martini
2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 7750-7755, 2015
Adaptive Modulation and Coding and Cooperative ARQ in a Cognitive Radio System
J Hwang, H Saki, M Shikh-Bahaei
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 14 (2014), 2014
On the SINR distribution of SWIPT MU-MIMO with antenna selection
H Saki, G Charbit, MR Shikh-Bahaei
2019 IEEE ComSoc International Communications Quality and Reliability …, 2019
Energy efficient delay sensitive optimization in swipt-mimo
H Saki, T Peng, MS Bahae
2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-7, 2018
On the SINR Distribution of SWIPT MU-MIMO with Antenna Selection
H Saki, MS Bahae
arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.09463, 2018
Spectral efficiency of multi-user adaptive cognitive radio networks
H Saki, MS Bahaei
2017 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and …, 2017
Function-Aware Network Coding for Dynamic Vision Sensor Networks
T Peng, H Saki, M Shikh-Bahaei
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 9 (5), 731-735, 2020
Spectral Efficiency of OFDMA Cognitive Radios under Imperfect Cross-Link Knowledge
H Saki, M Shikh-Bahaei
arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.08277, 2017
Cross-Layer Design and Optimization of OFDMA-based Cognitive Radio Networks
H Saki
King's College London, 2014
Cross-layer radio resource allocation for multi-service networks of heterogeneous traffic
A Shojaeifard, H Saki, MM Mahyari, MR Shikh-Bahaei
2014 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications …, 2014
On the Ergodic Rate of OFDMA Cognitive Radios under Imperfect Cross-Link Information
H Saki, A Shojaeifard, MM Mahyari, M Shikh-Bahaei
Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC) 11 (2014), 2014
H Saki, T Peng, MS Bahae
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Articles 1–20