Katrien Fransen
Katrien Fransen
Associate professor @ KU Leuven
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Leadership as social identity management: Introducing the Identity Leadership Inventory (ILI) to assess and validate a four-dimensional model
NK Steffens, SA Haslam, SD Reicher, MJ Platow, K Fransen, J Yang, ...
The leadership quarterly 25 (5), 1001-1024, 2014
The myth of the team captain as principal leader: Extending the athlete leadership classification within sport teams
K Fransen, N Vanbeselaere, B De Cuyper, G Vande Broek, F Boen
Journal of sports sciences 32 (14), 1389-1397, 2014
Athlete leadership in sport teams: Current understanding and future directions
ST Cotterill, K Fransen
International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology 9 (1), 116-133, 2016
Believing in “us”: Exploring leaders’ capacity to enhance team confidence and performance by building a sense of shared social identity.
K Fransen, SA Haslam, NK Steffens, N Vanbeselaere, B De Cuyper, ...
Journal of experimental psychology: applied 21 (1), 89, 2015
The impact of identity leadership on team functioning and well-being in team sport: Is psychological safety the missing link?
K Fransen, D McEwan, M Sarkar
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 51, 101763, 2020
Identity leadership going global: Validation of the Identity Leadership Inventory across 20 countries
R Van Dick, JE Lemoine, NK Steffens, R Kerschreiter, SA Akfirat, L Avanzi, ...
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 91 (4), 697-728, 2018
A social identity approach to leadership development
SA Haslam, NK Steffens, K Peters, RA Boyce, CJ Mallett, K Fransen
Journal of Personnel Psychology, 2017
Who takes the lead? Social network analysis as a pioneering tool to investigate shared leadership within sports teams
K Fransen, S Van Puyenbroeck, TM Loughead, N Vanbeselaere, ...
Social networks 43, 28-38, 2015
The power of competence support: The impact of coaches and athlete leaders on intrinsic motivation and performance
K Fransen, F Boen, M Vansteenkiste, N Mertens, G Vande Broek
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 28 (2), 725-745, 2018
Do perceived justice and need support of the coach predict team identification and cohesion? Testing their relative importance among top volleyball and handball players in …
M De Backer, F Boen, T Ceux, B De Cuyper, R Høigaard, F Callens, ...
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 12 (2), 192-201, 2011
Coaching the coach: Intervention effects on need-supportive coaching behavior and athlete motivation and engagement
B Reynders, M Vansteenkiste, S Van Puyenbroeck, N Aelterman, ...
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 43, 288-300, 2019
Adopting a helicopter-perspective towards motivating and demotivating coaching: A circumplex approach
J Delrue, B Reynders, GV Broek, N Aelterman, M De Backer, S Decroos, ...
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 40, 110-126, 2019
“Yes, we can!”: Perceptions of collective efficacy sources in volleyball
K Fransen, N Vanbeselaere, V Exadaktylos, G Vande Broek, B De Cuyper, ...
Journal of Sports Sciences 30 (7), 641-649, 2012
The impact of athlete leaders on team members’ team outcome confidence: A test of mediation by team identification and collective efficacy
K Fransen, N Vanbeselaere, B De Cuyper, P Coffee, MJ Slater, F Boen
The Sport Psychologist 28 (4), 347-360, 2014
We will be champions: Leaders' confidence in ‘us’ inspires team members' team confidence and performance
K Fransen, NK Steffens, SA Haslam, N Vanbeselaere, G Vande Broek, ...
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports 26 (12), 1455-1469, 2016
The new psychology of sport and exercise: The social identity approach
SA Haslam, F Boen, K Fransen
Sage Publications Ltd, 2020
An examination of the relationship between athlete leadership and cohesion using social network analysis
TM Loughead, K Fransen, S Van Puyenbroeck, MD Hoffmann, ...
Journal of sports sciences 34 (21), 2063-2073, 2016
Is perceived athlete leadership quality related to team effectiveness? A comparison of three professional sports teams
K Fransen, SA Haslam, CJ Mallett, NK Steffens, K Peters, F Boen
Journal of science and medicine in sport 20 (8), 800-806, 2017
Leading from the top or leading from within? A comparison between coaches’ and athletes’ leadership as predictors of team identification, team confidence, and team cohesion
K Fransen, S Decroos, GV Broek, F Boen
International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 11 (6), 757-771, 2016
The art of athlete leadership: Identifying high-quality athlete leadership at the individual and team level through social network analysis
K Fransen, S Van Puyenbroeck, TM Loughead, N Vanbeselaere, ...
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 37 (3), 274-290, 2015
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Articles 1–20