Thijs van den Broek
Thijs van den Broek
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Number of children, partnership status, and later-life depression in Eastern and Western Europe
E Grundy, T van den Broek, K Keenan
The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 74 (2), 353-363, 2019
Gender differences in the correlates of loneliness among Japanese persons aged 50–70
T van den Broek
Australasian Journal on Ageing 36 (3), 234-237, 2017
Gray divorce and mental health in the United Kingdom
M Tosi, T van den Broek
Social science & medicine 256, 113030, 2020
State‑of‑the‑art report Intergenerational linkages in families
P Dykstra, T van den Broek, C Mureşan, M Hărăguş, PT Hărăguş, ...
Families and Societies Working Paper Series, 2013
The impact of siblings on the geographic distance between adult children and their ageing parents. Does parental need matter?
T van den Broek, PA Dykstra
Population, Space and Place 23 (6), e2048, 2017
Loneliness among Polish migrants in the Netherlands: The impact of presence and location of partners and offspring
T van den Broek, E Grundy
Demographic Research 37, 727-742, 2017
Does long-term care coverage shape the impact of informal care-giving on quality of life? A difference-in-difference approach
T van den Broek, E Grundy
Ageing & Society 40 (6), 1291-1308, 2020
Adult children stepping in? Long-term care reforms and trends in children's provision of household support to impaired parents in the Netherlands
T Van den Broek, PA Dykstra, RJ Van Der Veen
Ageing & Society 39 (1), 112-137, 2019
Prenatal famine exposure and mental health in later midlife
T Van den Broek, M Fleischmann
Aging & mental health 23 (2), 166-170, 2019
Offspring and later-life loneliness in Eastern and Western Europe
T van den Broek, M Tosi, E Grundy
ZFF 31 (2-2019), 199-215, 2019
Care ideals in the Netherlands: Shifts between 2002 and 2011
T van den Broek, PA Dykstra, RJ van der Veen
Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 34 (3), 268-281, 2015
The impact of an additional nurse assistant during evening shifts on nurses’ perceptions of job demands, job resources and well‐being
RA Scheepers, IM Smeulders, T van den Broek
Journal of Advanced Nursing 77 (2), 1013-1016, 2021
Regional Economic Performance and Distance Between Parents and Their Employed Children–a Multilevel Analysis
T van den Broek, PA Dykstra, N Schenk
Population, Space and Place 20 (3), 222–234, 2014
Is having more children beneficial for mothers’ mental health in later life? Causal evidence from the national health and aging trends study
T van den Broek
Aging & Mental Health 25 (10), 1950-1958, 2021
Length of stay, acculturation and transnational medical travel among Polish migrants in the Netherlands
T van den Broek
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 84, 210-219, 2021
Early-life circumstances, health behavior profiles, and later-life health in Great Britain
T van den Broek
Journal of Aging and Health 33 (5-6), 317-330, 2021
The more the merrier? The causal effect of high fertility on later-life loneliness in Eastern Europe
T van den Broek, M Tosi
Social Indicators Research 149 (2), 733-748, 2020
Parental health limitations, caregiving and loneliness among women with widowed parents: longitudinal evidence from France
T van den Broek, E Grundy
European Journal of Ageing 15 (4), 369-377, 2018
Residential care and care to community-dwelling parents: Out-selection, in-selection and diffusion of responsibility
T van den Broek, PA Dykstra
Ageing & Society 37 (8), 1609-1631, 2017
Formalization of informal care in the Netherlands: Cost containment or gendered cost redistribution?
T Broek
IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 6 (2), 185-193, 2013
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