Saif Benjaafar
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Cited by
Carbon footprint and the management of supply chains: Insights from simple models
S Benjaafar, Y Li, M Daskin
IEEE transactions on automation science and engineering 10 (1), 99-116, 2012
The carbon-constrained EOQ
X Chen, S Benjaafar, A Elomri
Operations Research Letters 41 (2), 172-179, 2013
Peer-to-peer product sharing: Implications for ownership, usage, and social welfare in the sharing economy
S Benjaafar, G Kong, X Li, C Courcoubetis
Management Science 65 (2), 477-493, 2019
Operations management in the age of the sharing economy: What is old and what is new?
S Benjaafar, M Hu
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 22 (1), 93-101, 2020
Economic optimization of a lignocellulosic biomass-to-ethanol supply chain
WA Marvin, LD Schmidt, S Benjaafar, DG Tiffany, P Daoutidis
Chemical Engineering Science 67 (1), 68-79, 2012
Next generation factory layouts: research challenges and recent progress
S Benjaafar, SS Heragu, SA Irani
Interfaces 32 (6), 58-76, 2002
Make-to-order, make-to-stock, or delay product differentiation? A common framework for modeling and analysis
D Gupta, S Benjaafar
IIE transactions 36 (6), 529-546, 2004
Production and inventory control of a single product assemble-to-order system with multiple customer classes
S Benjaafar, M ElHafsi
Management science 52 (12), 1896-1912, 2006
A miniature robotic system for reconnaissance and surveillance
DF Hougen, S Benjaafar, JC Bonney, JR Budenske, M Dvorak, M Gini, ...
Proceedings 2000 ICRA. Millennium Conference. IEEE International Conference …, 2000
Labor welfare in on-demand service platforms
S Benjaafar, JY Ding, G Kong, T Taylor
forthcoming in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2019
Modelling, measurement and evaluation of sequencing flexibility in manufacturing systems
S Benjaafar, R Ramakrishnan
International journal of production research 34 (5), 1195-1220, 1996
Design of flexible plant layouts
S Benjaafar, M Sheikhzadeh
Iie Transactions 32, 309-322, 2000
Outsourcing via service competition
S Benjaafar, E Elahi, KL Donohue
Management Science 53 (2), 241-259, 2007
On the benefits of pooling in production-inventory systems
S Benjaafar, WL Cooper, JS Kim
Management Science 51 (4), 548-565, 2005
Modeling and analysis of flexible queueing systems
S Gurumurthi, S Benjaafar
Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 51 (5), 755-782, 2004
Using imperfect advance demand information in production-inventory systems with multiple customer classes
JP Gayon, S Benjaafar, F De Véricourt
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 11 (1), 128-143, 2009
Design of a mobile charging service for electric vehicles in an urban environment
S Huang, L He, Y Gu, K Wood, S Benjaafar
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 16 (2), 787-798, 2014
Modeling and analysis of congestion in the design of facility layouts
S Benjaafar
Management science 48 (5), 679-704, 2002
Capacity sharing and cost allocation among independent firms with congestion
Y Yu, S Benjaafar, Y Gerchak
Production and Operations Management 24 (8), 1285-1310, 2015
Machine sharing in manufacturing systems: Total flexibility versus chaining
M Sheikhzadeh, S Benjaafar, D Gupta
International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems 10, 351-378, 1998
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Articles 1–20