Jaleleddine BEN HADJ SLAMA
Jaleleddine BEN HADJ SLAMA
Full Professor Sousse University / Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Sousse
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Cited by
Hour-ahead wind power forecast based on random forests
A Lahouar, JBH Slama
Renewable Energy, 2017
Day-ahead load forecast using random forest and expert input selection
A Lahouar, JBH Slama
Energy Conversion and Management 103, 1040-1051, 2015
Fault detection methods for three-level NPC inverter based on DC-bus electromagnetic signatures
I Abari, A Lahouar, M Hamouda, JBH Slama, K Al-Haddad
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 65 (7), 5224-5236, 2017
Random forests model for one day ahead load forecasting
A Lahouar, JBH Slama
Irec2015 the sixth international renewable energy congress, 1-6, 2015
Facial Expression Recognition for Intelligent Tutoring Systems in Remote Laboratories Platform
JBHS Jihen Khalfallah
Procedia Computer Science 73, 274-281, 2015
Prosthetic Power Supplies
M Trigui, A., Mehri, S., Ammari, A., Slama, J. B. H. and Sawan
Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2015, 1–12., 2015
Relevant parameters of SPICE3 MOSFET model for EMC analysis
JBH Slama, S Hrigua, F Costa, B Revol, C Gautier
2009 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 319-323, 2009
Importance based selection method for day-ahead photovoltaic power forecast using random forests
A Lahouar, A Mejri, JBH Slama
2017 International Conference on Green Energy Conversion Systems (GECS), 1-7, 2017
Power converter's optimisation and design. Discrete cost function with genetic based algorithms
H Helali, D Bergogne, JBH Slama, H Morel, P Bevilacqua, B Allard, ...
2005 European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, 7 pp.-P. 7, 2005
A third-order MAF based QT1-PLL that is robust against harmonically distorted grid voltage with frequency deviation
M Mellouli, M Hamouda, JBH Slama, K Al-Haddad
IEEE Transactions on Energy conversion 36 (3), 1600-1613, 2021
Effect of Genetic Algorithm parameters on convergence of the electromagnetic inverse method
S Saidi, JBH Slama
Systems, Signals and Devices (SSD), 2011 8th International Multi-Conference …, 2011
A Near-Field Technique Based on PZMI, GA, and ANN: Application to Power Electronics Systems
S Saidi, J Ben Hadj Slama
Electromagnetic Compatibility IEEE Trans. on, 1-8, 2013
The development of a remote laboratory for internet-based engineering education
AC Ammari, JBH Slama
Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks 10 (4), 3-13, 2006
Design optimization of multiple-layer PSCs with minimal losses for efficient and robust inductive wireless power transfer
S Mehri, AC Ammari, JBH Slama, M Sawan
IEEE Access 6, 31924-31934, 2018
Controller area network reliability: overview of design challenges and safety related perspectives of future transportation systems
NM Ben Lakhal, O Nasri, L Adouane, JB Hadj Slama
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 14 (13), 1727-1739, 2020
Time-domain near-field/near-field transform with PWS operations
B Ravelo, Y Liu, J Ben Hadj Slama
The European Physical Journal Applied Physics 53 (03), 2011
Enhancement of Time-Domain Electromagnetic Inverse Method for Modeling Circuits Radiations
B Zitouna, JBH Slama
Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE Transactions on 58 (3), 1-9, 2016
Effect of the MOSFET choice on conducted EMI in power converter circuits
JBH Slama, T Mohamed
2012 16th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, 610-613, 2012
Open-Circuit fault detection and isolation method for Five-Level PUC inverter based on the Wavelet Packet Transform of the radiated magnetic field
I Abari, M Hamouda, M Sleiman, JBH Slama, HY Kanaan, K Al-Haddad
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 71, 1-11, 2022
Wind speed and direction prediction for wind farms using support vector regression
A Lahouar, JBH Slama
2014 5th international renewable energy congress (IREC), 1-6, 2014
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Articles 1–20