Paul Compton
Paul Compton
emeritus professor of Computer Science, The University of New South Wales
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A philosophical basis for knowledge acquisition
P Compton, R Jansen
Knowledge acquisition 2 (3), 241-258, 1990
Induction of ripple-down rules applied to modeling large databases
BR Gaines, P Compton
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 5, 211-228, 1995
Inductive knowledge acquisition: a case study
JR Quinlan, PJ Compton, KA Horn, L Lazarus
Proceedings of the Second Australian Conference on Applications of expert …, 1987
Knowledge in context: A strategy for expert system maintenance
P Compton, R Jansen
AI'88: 2nd Australian Joint Artificial Intelligence Conference Adelaide …, 1990
Multiple classification ripple down rules: evaluation and possibilities
B Kang, P Compton, P Preston
Proceedings 9th Banff knowledge acquisition for knowledge based systems …, 1995
Relationships between brain noradrenergic activity and blood glucose
GA Smythe, HS Grunstein, JE Bradshaw, MV Nicholson, PJ Compton
Nature 308 (5954), 65-67, 1984
PEIRS: a pathologist-maintained expert system for the interpretation of chemical pathology reports
G Edwards, R Malor, A Srinivasan, L Lazarus, P Compton
Pathology 25 (1), 27-34, 1993
Collaborative filtering for people to people recommendation in social networks
X Cai, M Bain, A Krzywicki, W Wobcke, YS Kim, P Compton, A Mahidadia
AI 2010: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 23rd Australasian Joint …, 2011
Maintaining an expert system
P Compton
Application of expert systems, 1989
Measurement of norepinephrine and 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylglycol in urine and plasma for the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma
MW Duncan, P Compton, L Lazarus, GA Smythe
New England Journal of Medicine 319 (3), 136-142, 1988
Ripple down rules: Turning knowledge acquisition into knowledge maintenance
P Compton, G Edwards, B Kang, L Lazarus, R Malor, P Preston, ...
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 4 (6), 463-475, 1992
Combining different summarization techniques for legal text
F Galgani, P Compton, A Hoffmann
Proceedings of the workshop on innovative hybrid approaches to the …, 2012
An expert system for the interpretation of thyroid assays in a clinical laboratory
KA Horn, P Compton, L Lazarus, JR Quinlan
Australian computer journal 17 (1), 7-11, 1985
Experience with ripple-down rules
P Compton, L Peters, G Edwards, TG Lavers
International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of …, 2005
Ripple down rules: possibilities and limitations
P Compton, G Edwards, B Kang, L Lazarus, R Malor, T Menzies, ...
Proceedings of the sixth AAAI knowledge acquisition for knowledge-based …, 1991
Help desk system with intelligent interface
B Ho Kang, K Yoshida, H Motoda, P Compton
Applied Artificial Intelligence 11 (7-8), 611-631, 1997
A 2000 rule expert system without a knowledge engineer
P Preston, G Edwards, P Compton
proceedings of the 8th AAAI-sponsored Banff knowledge acquisition for …, 1994
Knowledge acquisition without analysis
P Compton, B Kang, P Preston, M Mulholland
Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems: 7th European Workshop …, 1993
Discovery of ontologies from knowledge bases
H Suryanto, P Compton
Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Knowledge capture, 171-178, 2001
The use of simulated experts in evaluating knowledge acquisition
P Compton, P Preston, B Kang
University of Calgary, 1995
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Articles 1–20