Andrej Mihailovic
Andrej Mihailovic
Researcher and Lecturer, King's College London
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Network mobility
A Aghvami, P Pangalos, A Mihailovic
US Patent App. 11/332,036, 2006
Evaluation of mobility and quality of service interaction
J Manner, AL Toledo, A Mihailovic, HLV Munoz, E Hepworth, Y Khouaja
Computer Networks 38 (2), 137-163, 2002
Mechanisms and hierarchical topology for fast handover in wireless IP networks
A Stephane, A Mihailovic, AH Aghvami
IEEE communications magazine 38 (11), 112-115, 2000
Multicast for Mobility Protocol (MMP) for emerging internet networks
A Mihailovic, M Shabeer, AH Aghvami
11th IEEE International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2000
Introduction to IEEE P1900. 4 activities
S Buljore, M Muck, P Martigne, P Houzé, H Harada, K Ishizu, O Holland, ...
IEICE Transactions on Communications 91 (1), 2-9, 2008
A framework for the evaluation of IP mobility protocols
P Eardley, A Mihailovic, T Suihko
11th IEEE International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2000
Forecasting macroeconomic effects of stablecoin adoption: A Bayesian approach
MM Bojaj, M Muhadinovic, A Bracanovic, A Mihailovic, M Radulovic, ...
Economic Modelling 109, 105792, 2022
Architectural principles for synergy of self-management and future internet evolution
A Mihailovic, I Chochliouros, A Kousaridas, G Nguengeng, ...
ICT Mobile Summit 2009, Santander, Spain, 2009
Telecommunications system
RE Hancock, AJ Mihailovic, JO Eisl, PL Eardley
US Patent 7,965,690, 2011
SDN enablers in the ETSI AFI GANA reference model for autonomic management and control (emerging standard), and virtualization impact
R Chaparadza, TB Meriem, B Radier, S Szott, M Wódczak, A Prakash, ...
Proceedings of the 5th IEEE international workshop on management of emerging …, 2013
Sparse mode multicast as a mobility solution for internet campus networks
A Mihailovic, M Shabeer, AH Aghvami
Proc. PIMRC’99, 1999
Introducing Multi-Plane Routing for next-generation all-IP wireless access networks
A Jaron, A Mihailovic, AH Aghvami
2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2856-2860, 2012
Implementation guide for the ETSI AFI GANA model: A standardized reference model for autonomic networking, cognitive networking and self-management
R Chaparadza, TB Meriem, B Radier, S Szott, M Wodczak, A Prakash, ...
2013 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 935-940, 2013
Future internet elements: cognition and self-management design issues
A Kousaridas, C Polychronopoulos, N Alonistioti, A Marikar, J Mödeker, ...
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Autonomic Computing and …, 2008
A novel reliable routing scheme for Tactile-oriented Internet traffic
M Farhoudi, P Palantas, B Abrishamchi, A Mihailovic, AH Aghvami
2017 24th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), 1-7, 2017
Network mobility
AH Aghvami, PA Pangalos, G Kamel, A Mihailovic
US Patent 8,750,243, 2014
Situation awareness mechanisms for cognitive networks
A Mihailovic, IP Chochliouros, E Georgiadou, AS Spiliopoulou, ...
2009 International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications & Workshops …, 2009
Building knowledge lifecycle and situation awareness in self-managed cognitive future internet networks
A Mihailovic, G Nguengang, J Borgel, N Alonistioti
2009 First International Conference on Emerging Network Intelligence, 3-8, 2009
Analysing the prospect of the maritime common information sharing environment’s implementation and feasibility in Montenegro
A Mihailovic, N Kapidani, E Kočan, D Merino Delgado, J Räsänen
Pomorstvo 35 (2), 256-266, 2021
QoS-aware multi-plane routing for future IP-based access networks
A Jaron, M Danel, P Faucheux, A Mihailovic, AH Aghvami
2012 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2803-2808, 2012
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Articles 1–20