Jeroen G.W. Raaijmakers
Jeroen G.W. Raaijmakers
Professor of Cognitive Psychology, University of Amsterdam
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Search of associative memory.
JG Raaijmakers, RM Shiffrin
Psychological review 88 (2), 93, 1981
A model for interference and forgetting.
GJ Mensink, JG Raaijmakers
Psychological Review 95 (4), 434, 1988
SAM: A theory of probabilistic search of associative memory
JGW Raaijmakers, RM Shiffrin
Psychology of learning and motivation 14, 207-262, 1980
How to deal with “the language-as-fixed-effect fallacy”: Common misconceptions and alternative solutions
JGW Raaijmakers, JMC Schrijnemakers, F Gremmen
Journal of Memory and language 41 (3), 416-426, 1999
Neuroanatomical correlates of episodic encoding and retrieval in young and elderly subjects
SM Daselaar, DJ Veltman, S Rombouts, JGW Raaijmakers, C Jonker
Brain 126 (1), 43-56, 2003
Models for recall and recognition
JGW Raaijmakers, RM Shiffrin
Annual review of psychology 43 (1), 205-234, 1992
Statistical analysis of the Michaelis-Menten equation
JGW Raaijmakers
Biometrics, 793-803, 1987
Spacing and repetition effects in human memory: Application of the SAM model
JGW Raaijmakers
Cognitive Science 27 (3), 431-452, 2003
Similar network activated by young and old adults during the acquisition of a motor sequence
SM Daselaar, SARB Rombouts, DJ Veltman, JGW Raaijmakers, C Jonker
Neurobiology of aging 24 (7), 1013-1019, 2003
A further look at the" language-as-fixed-effect fallacy".
JGW Raaijmakers
Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie …, 2003
How to quantify support for and against the null hypothesis: A flexible WinBUGS implementation of a default Bayesian t test
R Wetzels, JGW Raaijmakers, E Jakab, EJ Wagenmakers
Psychonomic bulletin & review 16, 752-760, 2009
Rethinking inhibition theory: On the problematic status of the inhibition theory for forgetting
JGW Raaijmakers, E Jakab
Journal of memory and language 68 (2), 98-122, 2013
50 years of research sparked by Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968)
KJ Malmberg, JGW Raaijmakers, RM Shiffrin
Memory & cognition 47, 561-574, 2019
Alzheimer's disease versus normal ageing: A review of the efficiency of clinical and experimental memory measures
PEJ Spaan, JGW Raaijmakers, C Jonker
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 25 (2), 216-233, 2003
Deep processing activates the medial temporal lobe in young but not in old adults
SM Daselaar, DJ Veltman, SARB Rombouts, JGW Raaijmakers, C Jonker
Neurobiology of aging 24 (7), 1005-1011, 2003
A model for evidence accumulation in the lexical decision task
EJ Wagenmakers, M Steyvers, JGW Raaijmakers, RM Shiffrin, H van Rijn, ...
Cognitive Psychology 48 (3), 332-367, 2004
Does pizza prime coin? Perceptual priming in lexical decision and pronunciation
D Pecher, R Zeelenberg, JGW Raaijmakers
Journal of Memory and Language 38 (4), 401-418, 1998
The story of the two-store model of memory: Past criticisms, current status, and future directions
JGW Raaijmakers
Decision making in dynamic task environments
JH Kerstholt, JGW Raaijmakers
Decision making, 219-231, 2002
A model for contextual fluctuation
GJM Mensink, JGW Raaijmakers
Journal of Mathematical Psychology 33 (2), 172-186, 1989
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20