Mohamed Benbouzid
Mohamed Benbouzid
Professor of Electrical Engineering, IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow, University of Brest
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Cited by
A review of induction motors signature analysis as a medium for faults detection
MEH Benbouzid
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 47 (5), 984-993, 2000
Microgrids energy management systems: A critical review on methods, solutions, and prospects
MF Zia, E Elbouchikhi, M Benbouzid
Applied energy 222, 1033-1055, 2018
Electric motor drive selection issues for HEV propulsion systems: A comparative study
M Zeraoulia, MEH Benbouzid, D Diallo
Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on 55 (6), 1756-1764, 2006
What stator current processing-based technique to use for induction motor rotor faults diagnosis?
MEH Benbouzid, GB Kliman
IEEE Transactions on energy Conversion 18 (2), 238-244, 2003
Induction motors' faults detection and localization using stator current advanced signal processing techniques
MEH Benbouzid, M Vieira, C Theys
IEEE Transactions on power electronics 14 (1), 14-22, 1999
A brief status on condition monitoring and fault diagnosis in wind energy conversion systems
Y Amirat, MEH Benbouzid, E Al-Ahmar, B Bensaker, S Turri
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 13 (9), 2629-2636, 2009
Sliding mode power control of variable-speed wind energy conversion systems
B Beltran, T Ahmed-Ali, MEH Benbouzid
IEEE Transactions on energy conversion 23 (2), 551-558, 2008
A critical review on unmanned aerial vehicles power supply and energy management: Solutions, strategies, and prospects
MN Boukoberine, Z Zhou, M Benbouzid
Applied Energy 255, 113823, 2019
High-order sliding-mode control of variable-speed wind turbines
B Beltran, T Ahmed-Ali, MEH Benbouzid
IEEE Transactions on Industrial electronics 56 (9), 3314-3321, 2008
A fuzzy-based approach for the diagnosis of fault modes in a voltage-fed PWM inverter induction motor drive
F Zidani, D Diallo, MEH Benbouzid, R Naït-Saïd
IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 55 (2), 586-593, 2008
Second-order sliding mode control of a doubly fed induction generator driven wind turbine
B Beltran, MEH Benbouzid, T Ahmed-Ali
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 27 (2), 261-269, 2012
Marine tidal current electric power generation technology: State of the art and current status
SE Ben Elghali, MEH Benbouzid, JF Charpentier
Electric Machines & Drives Conference, 2007. IEMDC'07. IEEE International 2 …, 2007
Microgrid transactive energy: Review, architectures, distributed ledger technologies, and market analysis
MF Zia, M Benbouzid, E Elbouchikhi, SM Muyeen, K Techato, ...
IEEE access 8, 19410-19432, 2020
Monitoring and diagnosis of induction motors electrical faults using a current Park's vector pattern learning approach
H Nejjari, MEH Benbouzid
IEEE Transactions on industry applications 36 (3), 730-735, 2000
Hybrid cascaded H-bridge multilevel-inverter induction-motor-drive direct torque control for automotive applications
F Khoucha, SM Lagoun, K Marouani, A Kheloui, MEH Benbouzid
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 57 (3), 892-899, 2009
A review of energy storage technologies for marine current energy systems
Z Zhou, M Benbouzid, JF Charpentier, F Scuiller, T Tang
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 18, 390-400, 2013
Bibliography on induction motors faults detection and diagnosis
M Benbouzid
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 14 (4), 1065-1074, 1999
Cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter system fault diagnosis using a PCA and multiclass relevance vector machine approach
T Wang, H Xu, J Han, E Elbouchikhi, MEH Benbouzid
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 30 (12), 7006-7018, 2015
Fault detection and diagnosis in an induction machine drive: A pattern recognition approach based on concordia stator mean current vector
D Diallo, MEH Benbouzid, D Hamad, X Pierre
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 20 (3), 512-519, 2005
Developments in large marine current turbine technologies–A review
Z Zhou, M Benbouzid, JF Charpentier, F Scuiller, T Tang
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71, 852-858, 2017
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Articles 1–20