Sara Jahnke
Sara Jahnke
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Stigmatization of people with pedophilia: Two comparative surveys
S Jahnke, R Imhoff, J Hoyer
Archives of sexual behavior 44, 21-34, 2015
Stigma-related stress and its correlates among men with pedophilic sexual interests
S Jahnke, AF Schmidt, M Geradt, J Hoyer
Archives of sexual behavior 44, 2173-2187, 2015
Stigmatization of people with pedophilia: A blind spot in stigma research
S Jahnke, J Hoyer
International Journal of Sexual Health 25 (3), 169-184, 2013
Stigmatizing attitudes towards people with pedophilia and their malleability among psychotherapists in training
S Jahnke, K Philipp, J Hoyer
Child Abuse & Neglect 40, 93-102, 2015
The stigma of pedophilia: Clinical and forensic implications.
S Jahnke
European Psychologist 23 (2), 144, 2018
Emotions and cognitions associated with the stigma of non-offending pedophilia: A vignette experiment
S Jahnke
Archives of Sexual Behavior 47 (2), 363-373, 2018
Predictors of political violence outcomes among young people: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
S Jahnke, K Abad Borger, A Beelmann
Political Psychology 43 (1), 111-129, 2022
Determinants of punitive attitudes toward people with pedophilia: Dissecting effects of the label and intentionality ascriptions
R Imhoff, S Jahnke
Archives of Sexual Behavior 47, 353-361, 2018
Stigmatization of paraphilias and psychological conditions linked to sexual offending
RJB Lehmann, AF Schmidt, S Jahnke
The Journal of Sex Research 58 (4), 438-447, 2021
Media coverage of pedophilia: Benefits and risks from healthcare practitioners’ point of view
D Stelzmann, S Jahnke, LF Kuhle
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (16), 5739, 2020
Observer sensitivity and early radicalization to violence among young people in Germany
S Jahnke, CP Schröder, LR Goede, L Lehmann, L Hauff, A Beelmann
Social justice research 33, 308-330, 2020
Depersonalization under academic stress: Frequency, predictors, and consequences
TLK Schweden, U Wolfradt, S Jahnke, J Hoyer
Psychopathology 51 (4), 252-261, 2018
Stigmatisierung von Menschen mit sexuellem Interesse an Kindern unter Sexualtherapeuten in Russland
T Koops, D Turner, S Jahnke, V Märker, P Briken
Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung 29 (02), 131-146, 2016
Neurodevelopmental differences, pedohebephilia, and sexual offending: Findings from two online surveys
S Jahnke, AF Schmidt, A Klöckner, J Hoyer
Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-18, 2022
What if the child appears to enjoy it? Moral attitudes toward adult–child sex among men with and without pedohebephilia
S Jahnke, S Schmitt, A Malón
The Journal of Sex Research 55 (7), 927-938, 2018
Pedophile, child lover, or minor-attracted person? Attitudes toward labels among people who are sexually attracted to children
S Jahnke, N Blagden, L Hill
Archives of sexual behavior 51 (8), 4125-4139, 2022
Media coverage of pedophilia and its impact on help-seeking persons with pedophilia in Germany—a focus group study
D Stelzmann, S Jahnke, LF Kuhle
International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (15), 9356, 2022
Prävention von Radikalisierungsprozessen: Grundlagen entwicklungsorientierter Maßnahmen
A Beelmann, S Jahnke, C Neudecker
Neue Kriminalpolitik, 440-449, 2017
Pädophile Neigungen offenbaren: Stigma-Management bei Patienten aus dem Berliner Präventionsprojekt Dunkelfeld
T Wagner, S Jahnke, KM Beier, J Hoyer, G Scherner
Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung 29 (02), 106-130, 2016
Radikalisierung Jugendlicher und Extremismusprävention
A Beelmann, S Jahnke, C Neudecker
Toleranz und Radikalisierung in Zeiten sozialer Diversität. Beiträge aus …, 2017
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Articles 1–20