Luis Pedauga
Cited by
Cited by
Macroeconomic lockdown and SMEs: the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain
L Pedauga, F Sáez, BL Delgado-Márquez
Small business economics 58 (2), 665-688, 2022
Too good to be true: The inverted U-shaped relationship between home-country digitalization and environmental performance
G Ahmadova, BL Delgado-Márquez, LE Pedauga, DI Leyva-de la Hiz
Ecological Economics 196, 107393, 2022
Industries regulation and firm environmental disclosure: A stakeholders’ perspective on the importance of legitimation and international activities
BL Delgado-Márquez, LE Pedauga, E Cordón-Pozo
Organization & Environment 30 (2), 103-121, 2017
Determinantes de los cambios en la productividad total de los factores en Venezuela
A Arreaza, L Pedauga
Ensayos Sobre Política Económica, 120-167, 2006
Do local authorities use NPM delivery forms to overcome problems of fiscal stress?
JL Zafra-Gómez, LE Pedauga, AM Plata-Díaz, AM López-Hernández
Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting/Revista Española de Financiación y …, 2014
Assessing the economic contribution of sports tourism events: A regional social accounting matrix analysis approach
LE Pedauga, A Pardo-Fanjul, JC Redondo, JM Izquierdo
Tourism economics 28 (3), 599-620, 2022
Financial Stability and Economic Growth
S Carbó-Valverde, LE Pedauga
Crisis, Risk and Stability in Financial Markets, 8-23, 2012
Relationships between corruption, political orientation, and income inequality: evidence from Latin America
LE Pedauga, LD Pedauga, BL Delgado-Márquez
Applied Economics 49 (17), 1689-1705, 2017
A network view of innovation performance for multinational corporation subsidiaries
BL Delgado-Márquez, NE Hurtado-Torres, LE Pedauga, E Cordón-Pozo
Regional Studies 52 (1), 47-67, 2018
Environmental behavior and MNEs: A strategy pulled by stakeholder engagement
BL Delgado‐Márquez, LE Pedauga
Business Strategy and the Environment 26 (7), 927-939, 2017
Financial Social Accounting Matrix: a useful tool for understanding the macro-financial linkages of an economy
H Aray, L Pedauga, A Velázquez
Economic Systems Research 29 (4), 486-508, 2017
Efecto transferencia (pass-through) del tipo de cambio en los precios de bienes y servicios en Venezuela
O Mendoza, L Pedauga
Nueva Economía, 241-297, 2006
Firm-and country-specific advantages: Towards a better understanding of MNEs’ environmental performance in the international arena
G Ahmadova, M Bueno García, B Delgado-Márquez, L Pedauga
Organization & Environment 36 (3), 468-497, 2023
The curvilinear relationship between digitalization and firm's environmental performance
G Ahmadova, B Delgado-Marquez, LE Pedauga
Academy of Management Proceedings 2021 (1), 13605, 2021
Your innovation or mine? The effects of partner diversity on product and process innovation
M Belitski, BL Delgado‐Márquez, LE Pedauga
Journal of Product Innovation Management 41 (1), 112-137, 2024
Alternativas metodológicas para el empalme estadístico de serie temporales: caso Venezuela 1950-2005
LE Pedagua
Temas de Coyuntura 59 (julio), 7-38, 2009
Simulación de un Modelo de Equilibrio General Computable para Venezuela
LE Pedauga, F Sáez, A Velázquez
Trimestre Económico, 415-448, 2012
Impacto económico de los pequeños y medianos eventos deportivos: Estudio del caso de la región de Castilla y León (España)
JCR Castán, AP Fanjul, LEP Sánchez, JMI Velasco
Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación, 695-700, 2023
Another Look at Bank Consolidation and Financial Stability
S Carbó-Valverde, LE Pedauga, F Rodríguez-Fernández
Working paper, 2013
The relationship between decentralization and economic growth across regimes
H Aray, L Pedauga
The Annals of Regional Science 72 (1), 1-25, 2024
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Articles 1–20