Josef Spjut
Cited by
Cited by
Foveated AR: dynamically-foveated augmented reality display.
J Kim, Y Jeong, M Stengel, K Aksit, RA Albert, B Boudaoud, T Greer, J Kim, ...
ACM Trans. Graph. 38 (4), 99:1-99:15, 2019
SWEL: Hardware cache coherence protocols to map shared data onto shared caches
SH Pugsley, JB Spjut, DW Nellans, R Balasubramonian
Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT), 2010 19th …, 2010
A deformable interface for human touch recognition using stretchable carbon nanotube dielectric elastomer sensors and deep neural networks
C Larson, J Spjut, R Knepper, R Shepherd
Soft robotics 6 (5), 611-620, 2019
Fast, effective BVH updates for animated scenes
D Kopta, T Ize, J Spjut, E Brunvand, A Davis, A Kensler
Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and …, 2012
TRaX: A multicore hardware architecture for real-time ray tracing
J Spjut, A Kensler, D Kopta, E Brunvand
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and …, 2009
Latency of 30 ms benefits first person targeting tasks more than refresh rate above 60 Hz
J Spjut, B Boudaoud, K Binaee, J Kim, A Majercik, M McGuire, D Luebke, ...
SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 Technical Briefs, 110-113, 2019
An energy and bandwidth efficient ray tracing architecture
D Kopta, K Shkurko, J Spjut, E Brunvand, A Davis
Proceedings of the 5th High-Performance Graphics Conference, 121-128, 2013
Efficient MIMD architectures for high-performance ray tracing
D Kopta, J Spjut, E Brunvand, A Davis
Computer Design (ICCD), 2010 IEEE International Conference on, 9-16, 2010
Adaptive temporal antialiasing
A Marrs, J Spjut, H Gruen, R Sathe, M McGuire
Proceedings of the Conference on High-Performance Graphics, 1-4, 2018
Sidod: A synthetic image dataset for 3d object pose recognition with distractors
M Jalal, J Spjut, B Boudaoud, M Betke
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2019
TRaX: A multi-threaded architecture for real-time ray tracing
J Spjut, S Boulos, D Kopta, E Brunvand, S Kellis
2008 Symposium on Application Specific Processors, 108-114, 2008
Memory considerations for low energy ray tracing
D Kopta, K Shkurko, J Spjut, E Brunvand, A Davis
Computer Graphics Forum 34 (1), 47-59, 2015
Toward standardized classification of foveated displays
J Spjut, B Boudaoud, J Kim, T Greer, R Albert, M Stengel, K Akşit, ...
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 26 (5), 2126-2134, 2020
Fluidic elastomer actuators for haptic interactions in virtual reality
J Barreiros, H Claure, B Peele, O Shapira, J Spjut, D Luebke, M Jung, ...
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 4 (2), 277-284, 2018
A Variable Shape and Variable Stiffness Controller for Haptic Virtual Interactions
BC Mac Murray, BN Peele, P Xu, J Spjut, O Shapira, D Luebke, ...
RoboSoft, 2018
Esports and high performance HCI
B Watson, J Spjut, J Kim, J Listman, S Kim, R Wimmer, D Putrino, B Lee
Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2021
Post-render warp with late input sampling improves aiming under high latency conditions
J Kim, P Knowles, J Spjut, B Boudaoud, M Mcguire
Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques 3 (2 …, 2020
Esports arms race: Latency and refresh rate for competitive gaming tasks
J Kim, J Spjut, M McGuire, A Majercik, B Boudaoud, R Albert, D Luebke
Journal of Vision 19 (10), 218c-218c, 2019
Hardware-accelerated gradient noise for graphics
JB Spjut, AE Kensler, EL Brunvand
Proceedings of the 19th ACM Great Lakes symposium on VLSI, 457-462, 2009
Firstpersonscience: An open source tool for studying fps esports aiming
B Boudaoud, J Spjut, J Kim
ACM SIGGRAPH 2022 Talks, 1-2, 2022
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Articles 1–20