Haakon Faste
Haakon Faste
Interaction Design Program, California College of the Arts
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Cited by
Digital Artifacts as Legacy: Exploring the Lifespan and Value of Digital Data
R Gulotta, W Odom, J Forlizzi, H Faste
Proc. Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2013
Demystifying "Design Research": Design is Not Research, Research is Design
T Faste, H Faste
IDSA Education Symposium, 2012
Looking Past Yesterday’s Tomorrow: Using Futures Studies Methods to Extend the Research Horizon
J Mankoff, JA Rode, H Faste
Proc. Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2013
The Untapped Promise of Digital Mind Maps
H Faste, H Lin
Proc. Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 1017-1026, 2012
Brainstorm, Chainstorm, Cheatstorm, Tweetstorm: New Ideation Strategies for Distributed HCI Design
H Faste, N Rachmel, R Essary, E Sheehan
Proc. Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2013
Implications of location and touch for on-body projected interfaces
C Harrison, H Faste
Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Designing interactive systems, 543-552, 2014
Legacy in the age of the internet: reflections on how interactive systems shape how we are remembered
R Gulotta, W Odom, H Faste, J Forlizzi
Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Designing interactive systems, 975-984, 2014
Digital mind mapping: innovations for real-time collaborative thinking
H Lin, H Faste
chi'11 extended abstracts on human factors in computing systems, 2137-2142, 2011
Intuition in Design: Reflections on the Iterative Aesthetics of Form.
H Faste
CHI, 3403-3413, 2017
Community engagements with living sensing systems
S Kuznetsov, W Harrigan-Anderson, H Faste, SE Hudson, E Paulos
Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Creativity & Cognition, 213-222, 2013
Design-Driven Narrative: Using Stories to Prototype and Build Immersive Design Worlds
E Spaulding, H Faste
Proc. Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2013
Co-worker transparency in a microtask marketplace
P Kinnaird, L Dabbish, S Kiesler, H Faste
Proceedings of the 2013 conference on Computer supported cooperative work …, 2013
Physical presence: palettes in virtual spaces
GC Williams, H Faste, IE McDowall, MT Bolas
Proceedings of SPIE, 374-385, 1999
Curation, Provocation, and Digital Identity: Risks and Motivations for Sharing Provocative Images Online
R Gulotta, H Faste, J Mankoff
Proc. Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2012
Opening" open" innovation
H Faste
Proceedings of the 2011 Conference on Designing Pleasurable Products and …, 2011
Photographic Social Media: A Framework for Design
C Lin, H Faste
Designing Interactive Systems, 2012
How Learning Works in Design Education: Educating for Creative Awareness Through Formative Reflexivity
K Rivard, H Faste
Designing Interactive Systems, 298-307, 2012
The Hand Dance: A Didactic Performance Platform
E Todaro, H Faste, O Portillo-Rodriguez, M Bergamasco
ICHIM International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting, 2007
Image exploration and social relationships
C Lin, H Faste
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 5-10, 2012
Posthuman Factors
H Faste
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy, 2010
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Articles 1–20