Hans Sebastian Heese
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Cited by
Boiling frogs: Pricing strategies for a manufacturer adding a direct channel that competes with the traditional channel
K Cattani, W Gilland, HS Heese, J Swaminathan
Production and Operations Management 15 (1), 40-56, 2006
Competitive advantage through take-back of used products
HS Heese, K Cattani, G Ferrer, W Gilland, AV Roth
European Journal of Operational Research 164 (1), 143-157, 2005
Inventory record inaccuracy, double marginalization, and RFID adoption
HS Heese
Production and Operations Management 16 (5), 542-553, 2007
Supply chain finance: Optimal introduction and adoption decisions
DA Wuttke, C Blome, HS Heese, M Protopappa-Sieke
International Journal of Production Economics 178, 72-81, 2016
Product line design with component commonality and cost-reduction effort
HS Heese, JM Swaminathan
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 8 (2), 206-219, 2006
An empirical analysis of supply chain finance adoption
DA Wuttke, ED Rosenzweig, HS Heese
Journal of Operations Management 65 (3), 242-261, 2019
Supply chain interactions due to store-brand introductions: The impact of retail competition
A Groznik, HS Heese
European Journal of Operational Research 203 (3), 575-582, 2010
Blocking in healthcare operations: A new heuristic and an application
KM Bretthauer, HS Heese, H Pun, E Coe
Production and Operations Management 20 (3), 375-391, 2011
Does social media elevate supply chain importance? An empirical examination of supply chain glitches, Twitter reactions, and stock market returns
CG Schmidt, DA Wuttke, GP Ball, HS Heese
Journal of Operations Management 66 (6), 646-669, 2020
Retail strategies for extended warranty sales and impact on manufacturer base warranties
HS Heese
Decision Sciences 43 (2), 341-367, 2012
Supply chain conflict due to store brands: The value of wholesale price commitment in a retail supply chain
A Groznik, HS Heese
Decision Sciences 41 (2), 203-230, 2010
Single versus multiple sourcing and the evolution of bargaining positions
HS Heese
Omega 54, 125-133, 2015
Competing with channel partners: Supply chain conflict when retailers introduce store brands
HS Heese
Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 57 (5), 441-459, 2010
Specialization and competition in healthcare delivery networks
V Tiwari, HS Heese
Health care management science 12, 306-324, 2009
Two-dimensional cutting stock problem with sequence dependent setup times
DA Wuttke, HS Heese
European Journal of Operational Research 265 (1), 303-315, 2018
Bargaining for an assortment
G Aydin, HS Heese
Management Science 61 (3), 542-559, 2015
Effects of assortment breadth announcements on manufacturer competition
HS Heese, V Martínez-de-Albéniz
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 20 (2), 302-316, 2018
Don't ask, don't tell: Sharing revenues with a dishonest retailer
HS Heese, E Kemahlıoğlu-Ziya
European Journal of Operational Research 248 (2), 580-592, 2016
Sequence matters: Shelf‐space allocation under dynamic customer‐driven substitution
WG Gilland, HS Heese
Production and Operations Management 22 (4), 875-887, 2013
Curbing the usage of conflict minerals: A supply network perspective
H Zhang, G Aydin, HS Heese
Decision Sciences 54 (5), 535-553, 2023
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Articles 1–20