Stamatis Zampetakis
Stamatis Zampetakis
Staff Software Engineer, Cloudera, France
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Cited by
Cliquesquare: Flat plans for massively parallel RDF queries
F Goasdoué, Z Kaoudi, I Manolescu, JA Quiané-Ruiz, S Zampetakis
2015 IEEE 31st International Conference on Data Engineering, 771-782, 2015
Fact checking and analyzing the web
F Goasdoué, K Karanasos, Y Katsis, J Leblay, I Manolescu, S Zampetakis
Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of …, 2013
Towards scalable hybrid stores: constraint-based rewriting to the rescue
R Alotaibi, D Bursztyn, A Deutsch, I Manolescu, S Zampetakis
Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Management of Data, 1660 …, 2019
CliqueSquare: efficient Hadoop-based RDF query processing
F Goasdoué, Z Kaoudi, I Manolescu, J Quiané-Ruiz, S Zampetakis
BDA'13-Journées de Bases de Données Avancées, 2013
Growing triples on trees: an XML-RDF hybrid model for annotated documents
F Goasdoué, K Karanasos, Y Katsis, J Leblay, I Manolescu, S Zampetakis
The VLDB Journal 22, 589-613, 2013
CliqueSquare in action: Flat plans for massively parallel RDF queries
B Djahandideh, F Goasdoué, Z Kaoudi, I Manolescu, JA Quiané-Ruiz, ...
2015 IEEE 31st International Conference on Data Engineering, 1432-1435, 2015
Flexible hybrid stores: Constraint-based rewriting to the rescue
F Bugiotti, D Bursztyn, A Deutsch, I Manolescu, S Zampetakis
2016 IEEE 32nd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 1394-1397, 2016
SPARQL Query Processing in the Cloud.
F Bugiotti, J Camacho-Rodríguez, F Goasdoué, Z Kaoudi, I Manolescu, ...
Linked Data Management, 165-192, 2014
Star-like auto-configurable layouts of variable radius for visualizing and exploring RDF/S ontologies
S Zampetakis, Y Tzitzikas, A Leonidis, D Kotzinos
Journal of Visual Languages & Computing 23 (3), 137-153, 2012
Cliquesquare: Flat plans for massively parallel rdf queries
F Goasdoué, Z Kaoudi, I Manolescu, J Quiané-Ruiz, S Zampetakis
INRIA Saclay; INRIA, 2014
Des triplets sur des arbres: un modele hybride XML-RDF pour documents annotés
F Goasdoué, K Karanasos, Y Katsis, J Leblay, I Manolescu, S Zampetakis
Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information-Série ISI: Ingénierie …, 2012
Cloud-Based RDF Data Management
Z Kaoudi, I Manolescu, S Zampetakis
Morgan & Claypool, 2020
How to deal with Cliques at Work
B Djahandideh, F Goasdoué, Z Kaoudi, I Manolescu, J Quiané-Ruiz, ...
BDA'2014: 30e journées Bases de Données Avancées, 2014
StarLion: Auto-configurable layouts for exploring ontologies
S Zampetakis, Y Tzitzikas, A Leonidis, D Kotzinos
Extended Semantic Web Conference, 446-450, 2010
SPARQL Query Optimization for the Cloud
Z Kaoudi, I Manolescu, S Zampetakis
Cloud-Based RDF Data Management, 57-66, 2020
RDFS Reasoning in the Cloud
Z Kaoudi, I Manolescu, S Zampetakis
Cloud-Based RDF Data Management, 67-72, 2020
Cloud-Based RDF Storage
Z Kaoudi, I Manolescu, S Zampetakis
Cloud-Based RDF Data Management, 21-42, 2020
Cloud-Based SPARQL Query Processing
Z Kaoudi, I Manolescu, S Zampetakis
Cloud-Based RDF Data Management, 43-55, 2020
Estocada: Stockage Hybride et Ré-écriture sous Contraintes d'Intégrité
RB Al-Otaibi, F Bugiotti, D Bursztyn, A Deutsch, I Manolescu, ...
BDA: Conférence sur la Gestion de Données, 2016
Scalable algorithms for cloud-based Semantic Web data management
S Zampetakis
Université Paris Sud-Paris XI, 2015
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Articles 1–20