Thomas J. Faulkenberry
Thomas J. Faulkenberry
Professor of Psychology and Associate Dean of Graduate Studies, Tarleton State University
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Cited by
Bayesian inference in numerical cognition: A tutorial using JASP
TJ Faulkenberry, A Ly, EJ Wagenmakers
Journal of Numerical Cognition 6 (2), 231-259, 2020
Mental representations in fraction comparison: Holistic versus component-based strategies
TJ Faulkenberry, BH Pierce
Experimental Psychology (formerly Zeitschrift für Experimentelle Psychologie …, 2011
Response trajectories capture the continuous dynamics of the size congruity effect
TJ Faulkenberry, A Cruise, D Lavro, S Shaki
Acta Psychologica 163, 114-123, 2016
Learning statistics with JASP: A tutorial for psychology students and other beginners
D Navarro, D Foxcroft, TJ Faulkenberry
JASP: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 418, 2019
Computing Bayes factors to measure evidence from experiments: An extension of the BIC approximation
TJ Faulkenberry
arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.00360, 2018
Hand movements reflect competitive processing in numerical cognition
TJ Faulkenberry
Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology 68 (3), 147-151, 2014
Bottom-up and top-down attentional contributions to the size congruity effect
KV Sobel, AM Puri, TJ Faulkenberry
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 78, 1324-1336, 2016
Visual search for conjunctions of physical and numerical size shows that they are processed independently.
KV Sobel, AM Puri, TJ Faulkenberry, TD Dague
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 43 (3), 444, 2017
Constructivism in mathematics education: A historical and personal perspective
ED Faulkenberry, TJ Faulkenberry
Texas Science Teacher 35 (1), 17-21, 2006
Response Trajectories Reveal the Temporal Dynamics of Fraction Representations
TJ Faulkenberry, SA Montgomery, SAN Tennes
Acta Psychologica 159, 100-107, 2015
Testing a direct mapping versus competition account of response dynamics in number comparison
TJ Faulkenberry
Journal of Cognitive Psychology 28 (7), 825-842, 2016
Extending the reach of mousetracking in numerical cognition: A comment on Fischer and Hartmann (2014)
TJ Faulkenberry, AE Rey
Frontiers in Psychology 5, 1436, 2014
Quantitative and qualitative differences in the canonical and the reverse distance effect and their selective association with arithmetic and mathematical competencies
SE Vogel, TJ Faulkenberry, RH Grabner
Frontiers in Education 6, 655747, 2021
The book of statistical proofs
J Soch, TJ Faulkenberry, K Petrykowski, C Allefeld
Open, Zenodo 10, 2020
Tracking the continuous dynamics of numerical processing: A brief review and editorial
TJ Faulkenberry, M Witte, M Hartmann
Journal of Numerical Cognition 4 (2), 2018
The conceptual/procedural distinction belongs to strategies, not tasks: A comment on Gabriel et al.(2013)
TJ Faulkenberry
Frontiers in psychology 4 (820), 2013
Psychological statistics: The basics
TJ Faulkenberry
Routledge, 2022
Estimating evidential value from analysis of variance summaries: A comment on Ly et al.(2018)
TJ Faulkenberry
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 2 (4), 406-409, 2019
A single-boundary accumulator model of response times in an addition verification task
TJ Faulkenberry
Frontiers in Psychology 8, 1225, 2017
A tutorial on generalizing the default Bayesian t-test via posterior sampling and encompassing priors
TJ Faulkenberry
Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods 26 (2), 217-238, 2019
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Articles 1–20