Zhirong Qiu
Cited by
Cited by
Distributed constrained optimal consensus of multi-agent systems
Z Qiu, S Liu, L Xie
Automatica 68, 209-215, 2016
Ultra-wideband-based localization for quadcopter navigation
K Guo, Z Qiu, C Miao, AH Zaini, CL Chen, W Meng, L Xie
Unmanned Systems 4 (01), 23-34, 2016
Ultra-wideband based cooperative relative localization algorithm and experiments for multiple unmanned aerial vehicles in GPS denied environments
K Guo, Z Qiu, W Meng, L Xie, R Teo
International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles 9 (3), 169-186, 2017
Quantized leaderless and leader-following consensus of high-order multi-agent systems with limited data rate
Z Qiu, L Xie, Y Hong
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 61 (9), 2432-2447, 2015
Convergence rate analysis of distributed optimization with projected subgradient algorithm
S Liu, Z Qiu, L Xie
Automatica 83, 162-169, 2017
Integrated uwb-vision approach for autonomous docking of uavs in gps-denied environments
TM Nguyen, TH Nguyen, M Cao, Z Qiu, L Xie
2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 9603-9609, 2019
Persistently excited adaptive relative localization and time-varying formation of robot swarms
TM Nguyen, Z Qiu, TH Nguyen, M Cao, L Xie
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 36 (2), 553-560, 2019
Distance-based cooperative relative localization for leader-following control of MAVs
TM Nguyen, Z Qiu, TH Nguyen, M Cao, L Xie
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 4 (4), 3641-3648, 2019
Single landmark distance-based navigation
TM Nguyen, Z Qiu, M Cao, TH Nguyen, L Xie
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 28 (5), 2021-2028, 2019
Continuous-time distributed convex optimization with set constraints
S Liu, Z Qiu, L Xie
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 9762-9767, 2014
An integrated localization-navigation scheme for distance-based docking of UAVs
TM Nguyen, Z Qiu, M Cao, TH Nguyen, L Xie
2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2018
Relative docking and formation control via range and odometry measurements
K Cao, Z Qiu, L Xie
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 7 (2), 912-922, 2019
Consensus-based parallel extreme learning machine for indoor localization
Z Qiu, H Zou, H Jiang, L Xie, Y Hong
2016 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2016
Necessary and sufficient conditions for distributed constrained optimal consensus under bounded input
Z Qiu, S Liu, L Xie
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 28 (6), 2619-2635, 2018
Distributed optimal consensus of multiple double integrators under bounded velocity and acceleration
Z Qiu, L Xie, Y Hong
Control Theory and Technology 17, 85-98, 2019
Optimal consensus of Euler-Lagrangian systems with kinematic constraints
Z Qiu, Y Hong, L Xie
IFAC-papersonline 49 (22), 327-332, 2016
Data rate for distributed consensus of multiagent systems with high-order oscillator dynamics
Z Qiu, L Xie, Y Hong
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62 (11), 6065-6072, 2017
Feedback-feedforward control approach to distributed optimization
Z Qiu, L Xie, K You
2019 American Control Conference (ACC), 1412-1417, 2019
Relative localization for quadcopters using ultrawideband sensors
K Guo, Z Qiu, W Meng, TM Nguyen, L Xie
Proceedings of InternationalMicro Air Vechicle Competition and Conference …, 2016
Distributed constrained consensus with distance-dependent measurement noises
Z Qiu, S Liu, L Xie
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (22), 234-239, 2016
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Articles 1–20