William R. Frey
Cited by
Cited by
Artificial intelligence and inclusion: Formerly gang-involved youth as domain experts for analyzing unstructured twitter data
WR Frey, DU Patton, MB Gaskell, KA McGregor
Social Science Computer Review 38 (1), 42-56, 2020
Contextual Analysis of Social Media: The Promise and Challenge of Eliciting Context in Social Media Posts with Natural Language Processing
DU Patton, WR Frey, KA McGregor, FT Lee, K McKeown, E Moss
Proceedings of the AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, 337-342, 2020
When twitter fingers turn to trigger fingers: A qualitative study of social media-related gang violence
DU Patton, D Pyrooz, S Decker, WR Frey, P Leonard
International Journal of Bullying Prevention 1, 205-217, 2019
Multimodal social media analysis for gang violence prevention
P Blandfort, DU Patton, WR Frey, S Karaman, S Bhargava, FT Lee, ...
Proceedings of the International AAAI conference on web and social media 13 …, 2019
Annotating Social Media Data From Vulnerable Populations: Evaluating Disagreement Between Domain Experts and Graduate Student Annotators
D Patton, P Blandfort, W Frey, M Gaskell, S Karaman
Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2019
Digital White Racial Socialization: Social Media and the Case of Whiteness
WR Frey, LM Ward, A Weiss, CD Cogburn
Journal of Research on Adolescence 32 (3), 919-937, 2022
Expressions of loss predict aggressive comments on Twitter among gang-involved youth in Chicago
DU Patton, O Rambow, J Auerbach, K Li, W Frey
NPJ digital medicine 1 (1), 11, 2018
Detecting gang-involved escalation on social media using context
S Chang, R Zhong, E Adams, FT Lee, S Varia, D Patton, W Frey, C Kedzie, ...
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2018
VATAS: An Open-Source Web Platform for Visual and Textual Analysis of Social Media
DU Patton, P Blandfort, WR Frey, R Schifanella, K McGregor, SFU Chang
Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research 11 (1), 133-155, 2020
Guns on social media: complex interpretations of gun images posted by Chicago youth
DU Patton, WR Frey, M Gaskell
Palgrave Communications 5 (1), 2019
Humanizing Digital Mental Health through Social Media: Centering Experiences of Gang-Involved Youth Exposed to High Rates of Violence
WR Frey
Biomedical Informatics Insights 10, 1178222618797076, 2018
White fragility: Why it’s so hard for white people to talk about racism Robin DiAngelo
WR Frey
Journal of Social Work 20 (1), 123-125, 2020
Uprooting (Our) Whiteness
W Frey, N Mann, A Boling, P Jordan, K Lowe, S Witte
Advances in Social Work 21 (2/3), 954-977, 2021
You Set Me Up: Gendered Perceptions of Twitter Communication Among Black Chicago Youth
DU Patton, R Stevens, JR Smith Lee, GC Eya, W Frey
Social Media+ Society 6 (2), 2056305120913877, 2020
Towards Augmenting Lexical Resources for Slang and African American English
A Hwang, WR Frey, K McKeown
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and …, 2020
Uprooting Whiteness [Supremacy & Domination]—Resources
WR Frey
The Racial Projects of White Social Work Students
CD Cogburn, CA Allen, WR Frey, P Filippone, BR Brown, S Witte
Advances in Social Work 22 (2), 574-604, 2022
Letter to the editor: Confronting whiteness. Columbia Spectator
WR Frey …, 2018
Everyday Whiteness and the Failure of the Private Life
WR Frey
Social Work, White Supremacy, and Racial Justice: Reckoning with Our History …, 2023
Book Review: Disrupting whiteness in social work by Sonia Tascón and Jim Ife
WR Frey
Journal of Social Work, 14680173221140455, 2022
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Articles 1–20