Ashwani Jha
Ashwani Jha
UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology
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Neurological and neuropsychiatric complications of COVID-19 in 153 patients: a UK-wide surveillance study
A Varatharaj, N Thomas, MA Ellul, NWS Davies, TA Pollak, EL Tenorio, ...
The Lancet Psychiatry 7 (10), 875-882, 2020
Increased platelet binding to circulating monocytes in acute coronary syndromes
J Sarma, CA Laan, S Alam, A Jha, KAA Fox, I Dransfield
Circulation 105 (18), 2166-2171, 2002
Resting oscillatory cortico-subthalamic connectivity in patients with Parkinson’s disease
V Litvak, A Jha, A Eusebio, R Oostenveld, T Foltynie, P Limousin, L Zrinzo, ...
Brain 134 (2), 359-374, 2011
Movement-related changes in local and long-range synchronization in Parkinson's disease revealed by simultaneous magnetoencephalography and intracranial recordings
V Litvak, A Eusebio, A Jha, R Oostenveld, G Barnes, T Foltynie, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (31), 10541-10553, 2012
Subthalamic nucleus phase–amplitude coupling correlates with motor impairment in Parkinson’s disease
BCM van Wijk, M Beudel, A Jha, A Oswal, T Foltynie, MI Hariz, P Limousin, ...
Clinical Neurophysiology 127 (4), 2010-2019, 2016
Cortico-pallidal oscillatory connectivity in patients with dystonia
WJ Neumann, A Jha, A Bock, J Huebl, A Horn, GH Schneider, TH Sander, ...
Brain 138 (7), 1894-1906, 2015
Optimized beamforming for simultaneous MEG and intracranial local field potential recordings in deep brain stimulation patients
V Litvak, A Eusebio, A Jha, R Oostenveld, GR Barnes, WD Penny, ...
Neuroimage 50 (4), 1578-1588, 2010
Risk and learning in impulsive and nonimpulsive patients with Parkinson's disease
A Djamshidian, A Jha, SS O'Sullivan, L Silveira‐Moriyama, C Jacobson, ...
Movement Disorders 25 (13), 2203-2210, 2010
Spinal cord stimulation failed to relieve akinesia or restore locomotion in Parkinson disease
W Thevathasan, P Mazzone, A Jha, A Djamshidian, M Dileone, ...
Neurology 74 (16), 1325-1327, 2010
Oscillatory beta power correlates with akinesia‐rigidity in the parkinsonian subthalamic nucleus
M Beudel, A Oswal, A Jha, T Foltynie, L Zrinzo, M Hariz, P Limousin, ...
Movement Disorders 32 (1), 174-175, 2017
Analysis of simultaneous MEG and intracranial LFP recordings during Deep Brain Stimulation: a protocol and experimental validation
A Oswal, A Jha, S Neal, A Reid, D Bradbury, P Aston, P Limousin, ...
Journal of neuroscience methods 261, 29-46, 2016
The dimensionalities of lesion-deficit mapping
T Xu, A Jha, P Nachev
Neuropsychologia 115, 134-141, 2018
The frontal control of stopping
A Jha, P Nachev, G Barnes, M Husain, P Brown, V Litvak
Cerebral Cortex 25 (11), 4392-4406, 2015
Relationships between deep brain stimulation and impulse control disorders in Parkinson’s disease, with a literature review
P Shotbolt, J Moriarty, A Costello, A Jha, A David, K Ashkan, M Samuel
Parkinsonism & related disorders 18 (1), 10-16, 2012
Parametric estimation of cross-frequency coupling
BCM van Wijk, A Jha, W Penny, V Litvak
Journal of neuroscience methods 243, 94-102, 2015
The cloudUPDRS app: A medical device for the clinical assessment of Parkinson’s Disease
C Stamate, GD Magoulas, S Küppers, E Nomikou, I Daskalopoulos, A Jha, ...
Pervasive and mobile computing 43, 146-166, 2018
Convolution models for induced electromagnetic responses
V Litvak, A Jha, G Flandin, K Friston
NeuroImage 64, 388-398, 2013
Modelling MR and clinical features in grade II/III astrocytomas to predict IDH mutation status
H Hyare, L Rice, S Thust, P Nachev, A Jha, M Milic, S Brandner, J Rees
European journal of radiology 114, 120-127, 2019
The parkinsonian subthalamic network: measures of power, linear, and non-linear synchronization and their relationship to L-DOPA treatment and OFF state motor severity
T West, S Farmer, L Berthouze, A Jha, M Beudel, T Foltynie, P Limousin, ...
Frontiers in human neuroscience 10, 517, 2016
Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy: a personalized prediction tool
A Jha, C Oh, D Hesdorffer, B Diehl, S Devore, MJ Brodie, T Tomson, ...
Neurology 96 (21), e2627-e2638, 2021
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Articles 1–20