María Alonso-Ferres
María Alonso-Ferres
Assistant Professor at University of Almería
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Cited by
Love in the time of COVID: Perceived partner responsiveness buffers people from lower relationship quality associated with COVID-related stressors
RN Balzarini, A Muise, G Zoppolat, A Di Bartolomeo, DL Rodrigues, ...
Social psychological and personality science 14 (3), 342-355, 2023
Socioeconomic status and psychological well-being: Revisiting the role of subjective socioeconomic status
G Navarro-Carrillo, M Alonso-Ferres, M Moya, I Valor-Segura
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 1303, 2020
Connecting perceived economic threat and prosocial tendencies: The explanatory role of empathic concern
M Alonso-Ferres, G Navarro-Carrillo, M Garrido-Macías, E Moreno-Bella, ...
PLoS One 15 (5), e0232608, 2020
Couple conflict-facing responses from a gender perspective: Emotional intelligence as a differential pattern
M Alonso Ferrés, I Valor-Segura, F Expósito
Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid, 2019
How power affects emotional communication during relationship conflicts: The role of perceived partner responsiveness
M Alonso-Ferres, F Righetti, I Valor-Segura, F Expósito
Social Psychological and Personality Science 12 (7), 1203-1215, 2021
Understanding the components and determinants of police attitudes toward intervention in intimate partner violence against women: A systematic review
C Serrano-Montilla, LM Lozano, M Alonso-Ferres, I Valor-Segura, ...
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 24 (1), 245-260, 2023
The detrimental effect of sexual objectification on targets’ and perpetrators’ sexual satisfaction: The mediating role of sexual coercion
G Sáez, M Alonso-Ferres, M Garrido-Macías, I Valor-Segura, F Expósito
Frontiers in psychology 10, 2748, 2019
Relationship difficulties and “technoference” during the COVID-19 pandemic
G Zoppolat, F Righetti, RN Balzarini, M Alonso-Ferres, B Urganci, ...
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 39 (11), 3204-3227, 2022
Untangling the effects of partner responsiveness on health and well-being: The role of perceived control
M Alonso-Ferres, L Imami, RB Slatcher
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 37 (4), 1150-1171, 2020
Mixed and conflicted: The role of ambivalence in romantic relationships in light of attractive alternatives.
G Zoppolat, R Faure, M Alonso-Ferres, F Righetti
Emotion 22 (1), 81, 2022
The relationship between the motivation to commit infidelity and negative affect and self-esteem: How cheating in romance might signal positive well-being in adolescents
AM Beltrán-Morillas, M Alonso-Ferres, M Garrido-Macías, ...
Psychological Reports 125 (1), 517-544, 2022
Extraversion, social interactions, and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: Did extraverts really suffer more than introverts?
L Kroencke, S Humberg, SM Breil, K Geukes, G Zoppolat, RN Balzarini, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 125 (3), 649, 2023
Assessment of the effects of health and financial threat on prosocial and antisocial responses during the COVID-19 pandemic: The mediating role of empathic concern
C Serrano-Montilla, M Alonso-Ferres, G Navarro-Carrillo, LM Lozano, ...
Personality and Individual Differences 178, 110855, 2021
Housework, health, and well-being in older adults: The role of socioeconomic status.
J Rodriguez-Stanley, M Alonso-Ferres, S Zilioli, RB Slatcher
Journal of Family Psychology 34 (5), 610, 2020
Assessing Self-Care in psychologists: A Spanish adaptation of the SCAP Scale
M Garrido Macías, G Sáez, M Alonso Ferres, MJ Ruiz, C Serrano Montilla, ...
Colegio Oficial De Psicologos Del Principado De Asturias, 2022
Sexting during confinement in Spain: prevalence, motivations and predictor variables (Sexting durante el confinamiento en España: prevalencia, motivaciones y variables predictoras)
M Garrido-Macías, L Villanueva-Moya, M Alonso-Ferres, ...
Studies in Psychology 42 (3), 517-544, 2021
Infidelity in the Adolescence Stage: The Roles of Negative Affect, Hostility, and Psychological Well-Being
AM Beltrán-Morillas, L Villanueva-Moya, MD Sánchez-Hernández, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 20 (5), 4114, 2023
Empowerment en el ámbito sanitario
M Alonso Ferres, M Caballero Martínez, L Fernández Madero, ...
Universidad de Granada, 2014
Eco-Anxiety and Trust in Science in Spain: Two Paths to Connect Climate Change Perceptions and General Willingness for Environmental Behavior
ML Vecina, M Alonso-Ferres, L López-García, C Díaz-Silveira
Sustainability 16 (8), 3187, 2024
Did extraverts really suffer more than introverts? Extraversion, social interactions, and well-being in the time of COVID-19
L Kroencke, S Humberg, SM Breil, K Geukes, G Zoppolat, RN Balzarini, ...
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2022
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Articles 1–20