Alistair Hewison
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Cited by
Nurses' power in interactions with patients
A Hewison
Journal of advanced nursing 21 (1), 75-82, 1995
The theory‐practice gap in nursing: A new dimension
A Hewison, S Wlldman
Journal of Advanced Nursing 24 (4), 754-761, 1996
Role overlap between occupational therapy and physiotherapy during in-patient stroke rehabilitation: an exploratory study
J Booth, A Hewison
Journal of Interprofessional Care 16 (1), 31-40, 2002
Leadership development in health care: a word of caution
A Hewison, M Griffiths
Journal of health organization and management 18 (6), 464-473, 2004
Assessing patient category/dependence systems for determining the nurse/patient ratio in ICU and HDU: a review of approaches
R Adomat, A Hewison
Journal of nursing management 12 (5), 299-308, 2004
An evaluation of the impact of the Gold Standards Framework on collaboration in end-of-life care in nursing homes. A qualitative and quantitative evaluation
F Badger, G Plumridge, A Hewison, KL Shaw, K Thomas, C Clifford
International journal of nursing studies 49 (5), 586-595, 2012
An evaluation of the implementation of a programme to improve end-of-life care in nursing homes
F Badger, C Clifford, A Hewison, K Thomas
Palliative Medicine 23 (6), 502-511, 2009
Nurses’ identification and reporting of medication errors
HF Dirik, M Samur, S Seren Intepeler, A Hewison
Journal of clinical nursing 28 (5-6), 931-938, 2019
Nurses’ intention to stay in the work environment in acute healthcare: a systematic review
A Al Yahyaei, A Hewison, N Efstathiou, D Carrick-Sen
Journal of Research in Nursing 27 (4), 374-397, 2022
Evidence‐based management in the NHS: is it possible?
A Hewison
Journal of health organization and management 18 (5), 336-348, 2004
Thinking about the emotional labour of nursing–supporting nurses to care
Y Sawbridge, A Hewison
Journal of Health Organization and Management 27 (1), 127-133, 2013
The new public management and the new nursing: related by rhetoric? Some reflections on the policy process and nursing
A Hewison
Journal of Advanced Nursing 29 (6), 1377-1384, 1999
Taking the initiative: nurse intrapreneurs in the NHS
A Hewison, F Badger
Nursing Management (through 2013) 13 (3), 14, 2006
Rediscovering a history of nursing management: From Nightingale to the modern matron
S Wildman, A Hewison
International Journal of Nursing Studies 46 (12), 1650-1661, 2009
The impact of a ‘C ritical M oments’ workshop on undergraduate nursing students’ attitudes to caring for patients at the end of life: an evaluation
C Bailey, A Hewison
Journal of Clinical Nursing 23 (23-24), 3555-3563, 2014
Evidence-based policy: Implications for nursing and policy involvement
A Hewison
Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice 9 (4), 288-298, 2008
Changing fatherhood: An exploratory qualitative study with African and African Caribbean men in England
R Williams, A Hewison, S Wildman, C Roskell
Children & society 27 (2), 92-103, 2013
Integrated care pathways: pathways to change in health care?
C Whittle, A Hewison
Journal of health organization and management 21 (3), 297-306, 2007
Implementing audit in palliative care: an action research approach
J Cooper, A Hewison
Journal of Advanced Nursing 39 (4), 360-369, 2002
The design and implementation of an obstetric triage system for unscheduled pregnancy related attendances: a mixed methods evaluation
S Kenyon, A Hewison, SA Dann, J Easterbrook, C Hamilton-Giachritsis, ...
BMC pregnancy and childbirth 17, 1-10, 2017
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