Jeffrey D Allen
Jeffrey D Allen
Adjunct Professor, Brigham Young University
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Optimization of excess system capability for increased evolvability
JD Watson, JD Allen, CA Mattson, SM Ferguson
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 53, 1277-1294, 2016
Design for excess capability to handle uncertain product requirements in a developing world setting
JD Allen, CA Mattson, KS Thacker, SM Ferguson
Research in Engineering Design 28, 511-527, 2017
Evaluation of system evolvability based on usable excess
JD Allen, CA Mattson, SM Ferguson
Journal of Mechanical Design 138 (9), 091101, 2016
Over-design versus redesign as a response to future requirements
JD Allen, PD Stevenson, CA Mattson, NW Hatch
Journal of Mechanical Design 141 (3), 031101, 2019
Evaluation of system reconfigurability based on usable excess
JD Allen, JD Watson, CA Mattson, SM Ferguson
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2014
Evolvability and Excess Capability as a Response to Uncertain and Future Requirements
JD Allen
Brigham Young University, 2016
An FTIR point sensor for identifying chemical WMD and hazardous materials
ML Norman, AM Gagnon, JA Reffner, DW Schiering, JD Allen
Chemical and Biological Point Sensors for Homeland Defense 5269, 143-149, 2004
Optimization of System Evolvability Under Uncertainty
J Watson, J Allen, CA Mattson, SM Ferguson
16th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, 2646, 2015
Optimization of Excess System Capability for Increased Reconfigurability
JD Watson, JD Allen, CA Mattson, EZ Cansler, SM Ferguson
15th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, 2040, 2014
Education about NRT safety overcomes smokers' cost barrier-study
S Ferguson, J Allen, N Kronfeld
University Of Tasmania, 2011
Vehicle systems and payload requirements evaluation
FG Rea, JL Pittenger, RJ Conlon, JD Allen
An FT-IR Point Sensor for Identifying Chemical WMD and
ML Norman, AM Gagnon, JA Reffner, DW Schiering, JD Allen
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Articles 1–12